[kepler-dev] actors with token rate via parameter

Laura L. Downey ldowney at lternet.edu
Mon Nov 28 12:39:22 PST 2005

Bertram writes:
- I haven't followed in detail the usability suggestions made by Laura for
Kepler, but I would guess that showing actor and port parameter in a
(possiblity tabbed) window together (albeit clearly delimited) might be a
good idea for some applications/users.

LLD>Yes, that is being accounted for -- within the proposed tabbed dialogs
for actors, directors and workflows, there is a parameters tab.  And within
the proposed actor tabbed dialog, there is a parameter tab and a ports tab.
This is being done so there is one dialog to go to for an actor, workflow or
director where everything about that object can be viewed and/or configured
in one place.  These dialogs were identified as a primary priority by a
group of us that prioritized the UI issues to deal with in the next release.
See: http://kepler-project.org/Wiki.jsp?page=WorkflowDirectorAndActorDialogs

As a related note, there will also be an annotations tab too so users can
easily see how an actor is annotated and users can also view port
annotations from the ports tab.

Laura L. Downey
Senior Usability Engineer
LTER Network Office
Department of Biology, MSC03 2020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM  87131-0001
505.277.3157 phone
505.277-2541 fax
ldowney at lternet.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: kepler-dev-bounces at ecoinformatics.org
[mailto:kepler-dev-bounces at ecoinformatics.org] On Behalf Of Bertram
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 11:30 AM
To: Edward A. Lee
Cc: ptolemy-hackers at bennett.EECS.Berkeley.EDU; kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org
Subject: Re: [kepler-dev] actors with token rate via parameter

I looked at UpSample and noted that its input port has a fixed
'tokenConsumptionRate' of 1, while its output port has 
'tokenProductionRate' equal to 'factor'. 

Since 'factor' is an (actor) parameter, the ouput production rate can
be changed via factor.

Is this the "recommended" way of dealing with token rates? That is,
often they are fixed, but in special cases they might are mutable, and
if so this is indicated by "elevating" them to actor parameters!?

Some further questions and comments: 
- I haven't followed in detail the usability suggestions made by Laura
for Kepler, but I would guess that showing actor and port parameter in
a (possiblity tabbed) window together (albeit clearly delimited) might
be a good idea for some applications/users.
- Also being able to express parameter constraints (mandatory ones, as
well as "recommended" ones, and even plain English comments) might be


PS In Ptolemy, I *eventually* found 'upSample', but was missing the
Kepler quick-search function. Conversely, in Kepler, using
quick-search I quickly found that 'upSample' was (probably)
absent. Clearly, one wants the best of both worlds... :-) 
Maybe quick-search and some of the (planned) dynamic actor repository
stuff will make it into Ptolemy later (or if Ptolemy hackers help,
sooner :-)

(which I found after a bit of search in Ptolemy
-- but not using t

>>> On Wed, 23 Nov 2005 08:02:11 -0800
>>> "Edward A. Lee" <eal at eecs.berkeley.edu> wrote: 
EAL> At 07:00 PM 11/22/2005 -0800, Bertram Ludaescher wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I was wondering whether there are some actors in Ptolemy or Kepler
>> that have *parameters* for
>> (a) the token consumption rate, and/or
>> (b) the token production rate
>> If so, I'd like to use them for instructional purposes (of SDF)
EAL> Sure, there are several:
EAL>   - UpSample
EAL>   - DownSample
EAL>   - Chop
EAL>   - Repeat
EAL>   - SequenceToArray
EAL>   - SequenceToMatrix
EAL>   - FIR
EAL>   ...
EAL> The following have production/consumption rates that
EAL> depend on the width parameter of a linked relation:
EAL>   - Commutator
EAL>   - Distributor
EAL> Edward
EAL> ------------
EAL> Edward A. Lee
EAL> Professor, Chair of the EE Division, Associate Chair of EECS
EAL> 231 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
EAL> phone: 510-642-0253 or 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2845
EAL> eal at eecs.Berkeley.EDU, http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/~eal  

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