[kepler-dev] Re: Kepler installation problem (red hat)

Dan Higgins higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
Tue Feb 15 11:28:24 PST 2005

Hi Haiyan,
    It sounds like you have Kepler installed OK. To create a blank 
workspace, just go to the File menu in any of the windows and select 
'File/New/Graph Editor'. That should create an empty workflow window.

    Kepler has its own copy of Ptolemy (You should find a directory 
called ptII4.0.0 inside the kepler dir). Note that you should not need 
to export the PTII and KEPLER environment variables in the 'kepler.sh' 
file. In fact, exporting the PTII variable there may be causing the 
problem with running Ptolemy. PTII should point to the independent 
Ptolemy installation.


Haiyan Yang wrote:

>I edited the "kepler.sh" file as you said.  (BTW, I'm using linux red hat).
>I also did something like this:
>export PTII=/home/haiyan/289F/Proj/ptII4.0.1
>export KEPLER=/home/haiyan/289F/Proj/kepler
>Now after typed "./kepler.sh", first, I go the same line:
>Opening user library /home/haiyan/.ptolemyII/UserLibrary.xml... Done
>The window "Kepler: A System for Scienfific Workflows" poped up.  I then
>clicked the "ENM (GARP) Workflows" link, then click the "Baseline 3-Actor
>GARP - Browser Display" link, another window poped up with some work flow,
>looks like it's opening the "garpModel.xml" file.  I can see SDF Director
>and other actors on this window.  
>Does this mean it's installed correctly?  If yes, how do I open an
>interface (something like vergil) to create my own workflow later?  
>Another problem: I had installed Ptolemy before and it worked perfect. 
>After I tried to install Kepler yesterday and failed, I can't open vergil
>any more.  It gave me an error like this:
>[...bin]$ vergil
>"/opt/java/jdk1.5.0_01/bin/java" -Xmx256M "-Dptolemy.ptII.dir=" -classpath
>Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>What's wrong with this?  Should I have Ptolemy work properly in order for
>Kepler to work?
>>    I reproduced the described problem running ./kepler.sh on Mac and 
>>discovered that the problem was due to a mistake in the path of some 
>>command line parameters. Please check the 'kepler.sh' file. The line for 
>>launching kepler is
>>java -Xmx512m -Xss5m -DKEPLER=/Applications/Kepler -DDBGPRN=0  
>>ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication -kepler
>>The -DKEPLER parameter should point to the directory where kepler is 
>>installed. In my case, it should have been
>>-DKEPLER=/Applications/kepler-1.0.0alpha4. Similarly, the 
>>-Djava.endorsed.dirs should start with the actual path to the kepler 
>>dir. These 2 parameters are apparently not getting set correctly. Please 
>>check on your Linux system and see if the setting are incorrect. If so, 
>>please try correcting and let me know if that solves your problem
>>Dan Higgins

Dan Higgins                                  higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/    Ph: 805-893-5127
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) 
Marine Science Building - Room 3405
Santa Barbara, CA 93195

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