[kepler-dev] Re: Kepler installation problem (red hat)

Haiyan Yang haiyan at ucdavis.edu
Tue Feb 15 11:15:46 PST 2005


I edited the "kepler.sh" file as you said.  (BTW, I'm using linux red hat).

I also did something like this:
export PTII=/home/haiyan/289F/Proj/ptII4.0.1
export KEPLER=/home/haiyan/289F/Proj/kepler

Now after typed "./kepler.sh", first, I go the same line:

Opening user library /home/haiyan/.ptolemyII/UserLibrary.xml... Done

The window "Kepler: A System for Scienfific Workflows" poped up.  I then
clicked the "ENM (GARP) Workflows" link, then click the "Baseline 3-Actor
GARP - Browser Display" link, another window poped up with some work flow,
looks like it's opening the "garpModel.xml" file.  I can see SDF Director
and other actors on this window.  

Does this mean it's installed correctly?  If yes, how do I open an
interface (something like vergil) to create my own workflow later?  

Another problem: I had installed Ptolemy before and it worked perfect. 
After I tried to install Kepler yesterday and failed, I can't open vergil
any more.  It gave me an error like this:

[...bin]$ vergil
"/opt/java/jdk1.5.0_01/bin/java" -Xmx256M "-Dptolemy.ptII.dir=" -classpath
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

What's wrong with this?  Should I have Ptolemy work properly in order for
Kepler to work?



> Hi,
>     I reproduced the described problem running ./kepler.sh on Mac and 
> discovered that the problem was due to a mistake in the path of some 
> command line parameters. Please check the 'kepler.sh' file. The line for 
> launching kepler is
> java -Xmx512m -Xss5m -DKEPLER=/Applications/Kepler -DDBGPRN=0  
> -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/Applications/Kepler/lib/jar/apache 
> ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication -kepler
> The -DKEPLER parameter should point to the directory where kepler is 
> installed. In my case, it should have been
> -DKEPLER=/Applications/kepler-1.0.0alpha4. Similarly, the 
> -Djava.endorsed.dirs should start with the actual path to the kepler 
> dir. These 2 parameters are apparently not getting set correctly. Please 
> check on your Linux system and see if the setting are incorrect. If so, 
> please try correcting and let me know if that solves your problem
> Dan Higgins

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