[kepler-dev] Bring to Front vs Move to first menu choice
Edward A. Lee
eal at eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Dec 20 18:16:50 PST 2005
Let's make it $0.04:
I used emacs intensively for about 4 years, at the end of which
my hands were almost entirely incapacitated by RSI. I doubt that
emacs was the only cause, but I do think it was a major contributor...
These key bindings require putting your hands in very awkward positions,
and also use the weakest fingers far more than the strongest ones
(meta, ctrl, and shift all use the weakest fingers).
So I'm not fond of emacs bindings...
At 07:06 AM 12/20/2005 -0800, Bertram Ludaescher wrote:
>Interesting discussion :-)
>My two cents:
>$0.01: CaSe MaTtErS (see how HARD it is if you use the WRONG CASE!! ;-)
>More seriously: if the underlying system is case-sensitive--a good
>idea in general--this might not preclude the user-language to be
>case-INsensitive. But this introduces a pretty nasty self-made
>problem: now there is no 1-1 mapping from the system language to the
>user language: if the user has to choose between foo and Foo, s/he
>might be displayed this "choice":
> "You just entered 'FOO'. The system has two functions with this
> name. Please choose between [ ] FOO and [ ] FOO"
>So if the underlying system is case-sensitive you might as well bite
>the bullet. Even English is case-sensitive..
>$0.02: if you really want to learn the art of shortcuts (and fairly
>consistent ones), learn EMACS ;-)
>BTW, when people say Ctrl-F etc do they mean 'F' (as in Shift-f) or
>'f' (as in f)? I'm confused. Are thes Ctrl-Expressions
>PS As a little freebie ($0.03 so to say), I add the current "keyboard
>bindings" of my XEMACS.. as I type this. The command I used to create
>the current bindings is called, naturally enough 'describe-bindings'.
>The keyboard shortcut for this, you'll find below; it's: C-h b
>(C-h is the prefix for 'help'. Then 'b' is for bindings.. easy!)
>Here, C-.. = Ctrl-.. and M-.. = Meta-.. (or ESC for mere mortals ;-)
>PPS I admit this is not for everyone. But those who master the Zen of
>the N-dimensional keyboard never go back to the 0-dimensional prison
>called 'clicking'...
>PPPS There are only a few keystrokes that my vegetative nervous system
>recalls, i.e., the ones I need most (e.g. C-h b to find out about
>keyboard bindings..). But it's good to know that as I need new
>commands, a shortcut is readily available (in EMACS it's also easy to
>define your own shortcuts; but that's often a bad idea, and a
>different story..)
>Local Bindings:
>key binding
>--- -------
>button3 popup-mode-menu
>down abbrev-hacking-next-line
>kp-down abbrev-hacking-next-line
>tab indent-relative
>C-c << Prefix Command >>
>C-i indent-relative
>C-n abbrev-hacking-next-line
>C-end abbrev-hacking-end-of-buffer
>C-kp-end abbrev-hacking-end-of-buffer
>M-> abbrev-hacking-end-of-buffer
>M-S center-paragraph
>M-s center-line
>M-tab bbdb-complete-name
>M-C-i bbdb-complete-name
>C-c return vm-mime-attach-message
>C-c C-a vm-mime-attach-file
>C-c C-b vm-mime-attach-buffer
>C-c C-c vm-mail-send-and-exit
>C-c C-e vm-mime-encode-composition
>C-c C-m vm-mime-attach-message
>C-c C-p << Prefix Command >>
>C-c C-s vm-mail-send
>C-c C-v << Prefix command vm-mode-map >>
>C-c C-y vm-yank-message
>C-c ? describe-mode
>C-c tab mail-attach-file
>C-c C-a mail-interactive-insert-alias
>C-c C-c mail-send-and-exit
>C-c C-f << Prefix Command >>
>C-c C-i mail-attach-file
>C-c C-q mail-fill-yanked-message
>C-c C-r mail-yank-region
>C-c C-s mail-send
>C-c C-t mail-text
>C-c C-w mail-signature
>C-c C-y mail-yank-original
>C-c C-p ? sc-describe
>C-c C-p c sc-cite-region
>C-c C-p f sc-mail-field-query
>C-c C-p g sc-mail-process-headers
>C-c C-p h sc-describe
>C-c C-p i sc-insert-citation
>C-c C-p o sc-open-line
>C-c C-p r sc-recite-region
>C-c C-p u sc-uncite-region
>C-c C-p v sc-version
>C-c C-p w sc-insert-reference
>C-c C-p C-b sc-submit-bug-report
>C-c C-p C-p sc-raw-mode-toggle
>C-c C-p C-t << Prefix Command >>
>C-c C-v ! shell-command
>C-c C-v # vm-save-and-expunge-folder
>C-c C-v % vm-change-folder-type
>C-c C-v * vm-burst-digest
>C-c C-v - negative-argument
>C-c C-v / bbdb
>C-c C-v 0 .. C-c C-v 9 digit-argument
>C-c C-v : bbdb/vm-show-sender
>C-c C-v ; bbdb/vm-edit-notes
>C-c C-v < vm-beginning-of-message
>C-c C-v = vm-summarize
>C-c C-v > vm-end-of-message
>C-c C-v ? vm-help
>C-c C-v @ vm-send-digest
>C-c C-v A vm-auto-archive-messages
>C-c C-v B vm-resend-message
>C-c C-v D vm-decode-mime-message
>C-c C-v F vm-followup-include-text
>C-c C-v G vm-sort-messages
>C-c C-v H vm-folders-summarize
>C-c C-v L vm-load-init-file
>C-c C-v M << Prefix command "VM mode message marks map" >>
>C-c C-v N vm-next-message-no-skip
>C-c C-v P vm-previous-message-no-skip
>C-c C-v R vm-reply-include-text
>C-c C-v S vm-save-folder
>C-c C-v U vm-unread-message
>C-c C-v V << Prefix command "VM mode virtual folders map" >>
>C-c C-v W << Prefix command "VM mode window configuration map" >>
>C-c C-v [ vm-move-to-previous-button
>C-c C-v ] vm-move-to-next-button
>C-c C-v ^ vm-goto-parent-message
>C-c C-v a vm-set-message-attributes
>C-c C-v b vm-scroll-backward
>C-c C-v c vm-continue-composing-message
>C-c C-v d vm-delete-message
>C-c C-v e vm-edit-message
>C-c C-v f vm-followup
>C-c C-v g vm-get-new-mail
>C-c C-v h vm-summarize
>C-c C-v i vm-iconify-frame
>C-c C-v j vm-discard-cached-data
>C-c C-v k vm-kill-subject
>C-c C-v l << Prefix command "VM mode message labels map" >>
>C-c C-v m vm-mail
>C-c C-v n vm-next-message
>C-c C-v p vm-previous-message
>C-c C-v q vm-quit
>C-c C-v r vm-reply
>C-c C-v s vm-save-message
>C-c C-v t vm-expose-hidden-headers
>C-c C-v u vm-undelete-message
>C-c C-v v vm-visit-folder
>C-c C-v w vm-save-message-sans-headers
>C-c C-v x vm-quit-no-change
>C-c C-v z vm-forward-message
>C-c C-v | vm-pipe-message-to-command
>C-c C-v backspace vm-scroll-backward
>C-c C-v button2 vm-mouse-button-2
>C-c C-v delete vm-scroll-backward
>C-c C-v return vm-goto-message
>C-c C-v space vm-scroll-forward
>C-c C-v tab vm-goto-message-last-seen
>C-c C-v C-/ vm-undo
>C-c C-v C-_ vm-undo
>C-c C-v C-d vm-delete-message-backward
>C-c C-v C-i vm-goto-message-last-seen
>C-c C-v C-m vm-goto-message
>C-c C-v C-t vm-toggle-threads-display
>C-c C-v C-x << Prefix Command >>
>C-c C-v M-C vm-show-copying-restrictions
>C-c C-v M-W vm-show-no-warranty
>C-c C-v M-g vm-goto-message
>C-c C-v M-n vm-next-unread-message
>C-c C-v M-p vm-previous-unread-message
>C-c C-v M-r vm-resend-bounced-message
>C-c C-v M-s vm-isearch-forward
>C-c C-v M-C-n vm-move-message-forward
>C-c C-v M-C-p vm-move-message-backward
>C-c C-f C-b mail-bcc
>C-c C-f C-c mail-cc
>C-c C-f C-f mail-fcc
>C-c C-f C-r mail-reply-to
>C-c C-f C-s mail-subject
>C-c C-f C-t mail-to
>C-c C-p C-t ? sc-T-describe
>C-c C-p C-t N sc-S-mail-header-nuke-list
>C-c C-p C-t a sc-S-preferred-attribution-list
>C-c C-p C-t b sc-T-mail-nuke-blank-lines
>C-c C-p C-t c sc-T-confirm-always
>C-c C-p C-t d sc-T-downcase
>C-c C-p C-t e sc-T-electric-references
>C-c C-p C-t f sc-T-auto-fill-region
>C-c C-p C-t h sc-T-describe
>C-c C-p C-t l sc-S-cite-region-limit
>C-c C-p C-t n sc-S-mail-nuke-mail-headers
>C-c C-p C-t o sc-T-electric-circular
>C-c C-p C-t p sc-S-preferred-header-style
>C-c C-p C-t s sc-T-nested-citation
>C-c C-p C-t u sc-T-use-only-preferences
>C-c C-p C-t w sc-T-fixup-whitespace
>C-c C-v M ? vm-mark-help
>C-c C-v M A vm-mark-messages-same-author
>C-c C-v M C vm-mark-matching-messages
>C-c C-v M M vm-mark-message
>C-c C-v M N vm-next-command-uses-marks
>C-c C-v M R vm-mark-summary-region
>C-c C-v M S vm-mark-messages-same-subject
>C-c C-v M T vm-mark-thread-subtree
>C-c C-v M U vm-unmark-message
>C-c C-v M V vm-toggle-all-marks
>C-c C-v M X vm-mark-matching-messages-with-virtual-folder
>C-c C-v M a vm-unmark-messages-same-author
>C-c C-v M c vm-unmark-matching-messages
>C-c C-v M m vm-mark-all-messages
>C-c C-v M n vm-next-command-uses-marks
>C-c C-v M r vm-unmark-summary-region
>C-c C-v M s vm-unmark-messages-same-subject
>C-c C-v M t vm-unmark-thread-subtree
>C-c C-v M u vm-clear-all-marks
>C-c C-v M x vm-unmark-matching-messages-with-virtual-folder
>C-c C-v l a vm-add-message-labels
>C-c C-v l d vm-delete-message-labels
>C-c C-v l e vm-add-existing-message-labels
>C-c C-v C-x u vm-undo
>C-c C-v C-x C-q vm-toggle-read-only
>C-c C-v C-x C-s vm-save-buffer
>C-c C-v C-x C-w vm-write-file
>C-c C-v V ? vm-virtual-help
>C-c C-v V A vm-create-virtual-folder-same-author
>C-c C-v V C vm-create-virtual-folder
>C-c C-v V M vm-toggle-virtual-mirror
>C-c C-v V S vm-create-virtual-folder-same-subject
>C-c C-v V V vm-visit-virtual-folder
>C-c C-v V X vm-apply-virtual-folder
>C-c C-v W ? vm-window-help
>C-c C-v W D vm-delete-window-configuration
>C-c C-v W S vm-save-window-configuration
>C-c C-v W W vm-apply-window-configuration
>Global Bindings:
>key binding
>--- -------
>! .. ~ self-insert-command
> .. ÿ self-insert-command
>again repeat-complex-command
>backspace delete-backward-char
>begin beginning-of-line
>button1 mouse-track
>button1up release-toolbar-button
>button2 mouse-track
>clearline function-key-error
>delete backward-or-forward-delete-char
>deletechar delete-char
>deleteline kill-line
>end end-of-line
>execute execute-extended-command
>f1 << help-command >>
>find search-forward
>help help-for-help
>home beginning-of-line
>insert overwrite-mode
>insertchar function-key-error
>insertline open-line
>kp-0 self-insert-command
>kp-1 self-insert-command
>kp-2 self-insert-command
>kp-3 self-insert-command
>kp-4 self-insert-command
>kp-5 self-insert-command
>kp-6 self-insert-command
>kp-7 self-insert-command
>kp-8 self-insert-command
>kp-9 self-insert-command
>kp-add self-insert-command
>kp-decimal self-insert-command
>kp-delete backward-or-forward-delete-char
>kp-divide self-insert-command
>kp-end end-of-line
>kp-enter Kbd Macro: return
>kp-equal self-insert-command
>kp-home beginning-of-line
>kp-insert overwrite-mode
>kp-left backward-char-command
>kp-multiply self-insert-command
>kp-next scroll-up-command
>kp-prior scroll-down-command
>kp-right forward-char-command
>kp-separator self-insert-command
>kp-space self-insert-command
>kp-subtract self-insert-command
>kp-tab Kbd Macro: tab
>kp-up previous-line
>left backward-char-command
>linefeed newline-and-indent
>menu popup-mode-menu
>next scroll-up-command
>print function-key-error
>prior scroll-down-command
>redo repeat-complex-command
>return newline
>right forward-char-command
>select function-key-error
>space self-insert-command
>undo undo
>up previous-line
>C- set-mark-command
>C-- negative-argument
>C-/ undo
>C-0 .. C-9 digit-argument
>C-< mark-beginning-of-buffer
>C-> mark-end-of-buffer
>C-@ set-mark-command
>C-T transpose-line-down
>C-] abort-recursive-edit
>C-_ undo
>C-a beginning-of-line
>C-b backward-char-command
>C-d delete-char
>C-e end-of-line
>C-f forward-char-command
>C-g keyboard-quit
>C-h << help-command >>
>C-j newline-and-indent
>C-k kill-line
>C-l recenter
>C-m newline
>C-o open-line
>C-p previous-line
>C-q quoted-insert
>C-r isearch-backward
>C-s isearch-forward
>C-t transpose-chars
>C-u universal-argument
>C-v scroll-up-command
>C-w kill-region
>C-x << Control-X-prefix >>
>C-y yank
>C-z suspend-emacs-or-iconify-frame
>C-begin beginning-of-buffer
>C-button1 mouse-track-insert
>C-delete delete-primary-selection
>C-down forward-block-of-lines
>C-home beginning-of-buffer
>C-insert copy-primary-selection
>C-kp-down forward-block-of-lines
>C-kp-home beginning-of-buffer
>C-kp-left backward-word
>C-kp-next scroll-left
>C-kp-prior scroll-right
>C-kp-right forward-word
>C-kp-up backward-block-of-lines
>C-left backward-word
>C-next scroll-left
>C-prior scroll-right
>C-right forward-word
>C-space set-mark-command
>C-tab other-window
>C-up backward-block-of-lines
>M-! shell-command
>M-# calc-dispatch
>M-$ ispell-word
>M-% query-replace
>M-' abbrev-prefix-mark
>M-( insert-parentheses
>M-) move-past-close-and-reindent
>M-* pop-tag-mark
>M-, tags-loop-continue
>M-- negative-argument
>M-. find-tag
>M-/ dabbrev-expand
>M-0 .. M-9 digit-argument
>M-: eval-expression
>M-; indent-for-comment
>M-< beginning-of-buffer
>M-= count-lines-region
>M-? << help-command >>
>M-@ mark-word
>M-T transpose-line-up
>M-V scroll-other-window-down
>M-\ delete-horizontal-space
>M-^ delete-indentation
>M-a backward-sentence
>M-b backward-word
>M-c capitalize-region-or-word
>M-d kill-word
>M-e forward-sentence
>M-f forward-word
>M-g goto-line
>M-h mark-paragraph
>M-i tab-to-tab-stop
>M-j indent-new-comment-line
>M-k kill-sentence
>M-l downcase-region-or-word
>M-m back-to-indentation
>M-q fill-paragraph-or-region
>M-r move-to-window-line
>M-t transpose-words
>M-u upcase-region-or-word
>M-v scroll-down-command
>M-w kill-ring-save
>M-x execute-extended-command
>M-y yank-pop
>M-z zap-to-char
>M-{ backward-paragraph
>M-| shell-command-on-region
>M-} forward-paragraph
>M-~ not-modified
>M-backspace backward-kill-word
>M-button1 mouse-track-do-rectangle
>M-delete backward-or-forward-kill-word
>M-down forward-paragraph
>M-end end-of-buffer-other-window
>M-escape << Prefix Command >>
>M-f4 save-buffers-kill-emacs
>M-home beginning-of-buffer-other-window
>M-kp-delete backward-or-forward-kill-word
>M-kp-down forward-paragraph
>M-kp-end end-of-buffer-other-window
>M-kp-home beginning-of-buffer-other-window
>M-kp-left backward-sexp
>M-kp-next scroll-other-window
>M-kp-prior scroll-other-window-down
>M-kp-right forward-sexp
>M-kp-up backward-paragraph
>M-left backward-sexp
>M-linefeed indent-new-comment-line
>M-next scroll-other-window
>M-prior scroll-other-window-down
>M-right forward-sexp
>M-space just-one-space
>M-up backward-paragraph
>M-C-% query-replace-regexp
>M-C-- negative-argument
>M-C-/ dabbrev-completion
>M-C-0 .. M-C-9 digit-argument
>M-C-@ mark-sexp
>M-C-[ << Prefix Command >>
>M-C-\ indent-region
>M-C-a beginning-of-defun
>M-C-b backward-sexp
>M-C-c exit-recursive-edit
>M-C-d down-list
>M-C-e end-of-defun
>M-C-f forward-sexp
>M-C-h mark-defun
>M-C-j indent-new-comment-line
>M-C-k kill-sexp
>M-C-l Anonymous Lambda
>M-C-n forward-list
>M-C-o split-line
>M-C-p backward-list
>M-C-r isearch-backward-regexp
>M-C-s isearch-forward-regexp
>M-C-t transpose-sexps
>M-C-u backward-up-list
>M-C-v scroll-other-window
>M-C-w append-next-kill
>M-C-z activate-region
>M-C-backspace backward-kill-sexp
>M-C-button3 popup-buffer-menu
>M-C-delete backward-or-forward-kill-sexp
>M-C-down scroll-up-one
>M-C-end end-of-defun
>M-C-home beginning-of-defun
>M-C-kp-delete backward-or-forward-kill-sexp
>M-C-kp-down scroll-up-one
>M-C-kp-end end-of-defun
>M-C-kp-home beginning-of-defun
>M-C-kp-left backward-sentence
>M-C-kp-next forward-page
>M-C-kp-prior backward-page
>M-C-kp-right forward-sentence
>M-C-kp-up scroll-down-one
>M-C-left backward-sentence
>M-C-next forward-page
>M-C-prior backward-page
>M-C-right forward-sentence
>M-C-space mark-sexp
>M-C-up scroll-down-one
>Sh-button1 mouse-track-adjust
>Sh-delete kill-primary-selection
>Sh-insert yank-clipboard-selection
>Sh-tab tab-to-tab-stop
>C-Sh-button1 mouse-track-delete-and-insert
>C-Sh-tab backward-other-window
>M-C-[ : eval-expression
>M-C-[ escape keyboard-escape-quit
>M-C-[ C-[ keyboard-escape-quit
>M-? ? help-for-help
>M-? A command-apropos
>M-? B describe-beta
>M-? C customize
>M-? F xemacs-local-faq
>M-? a hyper-apropos
>M-? b describe-bindings
>M-? c describe-key-briefly
>M-? d describe-function
>M-? e describe-last-error
>M-? f describe-function
>M-? i info
>M-? k describe-key
>M-? l view-lossage
>M-? m describe-mode
>M-? n view-emacs-news
>M-? p finder-by-keyword
>M-? q help-quit
>M-? s describe-syntax
>M-? t help-with-tutorial
>M-? v describe-variable
>M-? w where-is
>M-? f1 help-for-help
>M-? help help-for-help
>M-? C-c Info-goto-emacs-command-node
>M-? C-d describe-distribution
>M-? C-f Info-elisp-ref
>M-? C-h help-for-help
>M-? C-i Info-query
>M-? C-k Info-goto-emacs-key-command-node
>M-? C-l describe-copying
>M-? C-n view-emacs-news
>M-? C-p describe-pointer
>M-? C-w describe-no-warranty
>M-escape : eval-expression
>M-escape escape keyboard-escape-quit
>M-escape C-[ keyboard-escape-quit
>C-c ! << Prefix Command >>
>C-c " uncomment-region
>C-c ; comment-region
>C-c g goto-line
>C-c C-f comint-find-source-code
>C-c M-h pydoc-commands
>C-h ? help-for-help
>C-h A command-apropos
>C-h B describe-beta
>C-h C customize
>C-h F xemacs-local-faq
>C-h a hyper-apropos
>C-h b describe-bindings
>C-h c describe-key-briefly
>C-h d describe-function
>C-h e describe-last-error
>C-h f describe-function
>C-h i info
>C-h k describe-key
>C-h l view-lossage
>C-h m describe-mode
>C-h n view-emacs-news
>C-h p finder-by-keyword
>C-h q help-quit
>C-h s describe-syntax
>C-h t help-with-tutorial
>C-h v describe-variable
>C-h w where-is
>C-h f1 help-for-help
>C-h help help-for-help
>C-h C-c Info-goto-emacs-command-node
>C-h C-d describe-distribution
>C-h C-f Info-elisp-ref
>C-h C-h help-for-help
>C-h C-i Info-query
>C-h C-k Info-goto-emacs-key-command-node
>C-h C-l describe-copying
>C-h C-n view-emacs-news
>C-h C-p describe-pointer
>C-h C-w describe-no-warranty
>C-x $ set-selective-display
>C-x ' expand-abbrev
>C-x ( start-kbd-macro
>C-x ) end-kbd-macro
>C-x + balance-windows
>C-x - shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer
>C-x . set-fill-prefix
>C-x / point-to-register
>C-x 0 delete-window
>C-x 1 delete-other-windows
>C-x 2 split-window-vertically
>C-x 3 split-window-horizontally
>C-x 4 << ctl-x-4-prefix >>
>C-x 5 << ctl-x-5-prefix >>
>C-x 6 window-configuration-to-register
>C-x ; set-comment-column
>C-x < scroll-left
>C-x = what-cursor-position
>C-x > scroll-right
>C-x F << facemenu-keymap >>
>C-x K find-function-on-key
>C-x V find-variable
>C-x [ backward-page
>C-x ] forward-page
>C-x ^ enlarge-window
>C-x ` next-error
>C-x a << Prefix Command >>
>C-x b switch-to-buffer
>C-x d dired
>C-x e call-last-kbd-macro
>C-x f set-fill-column
>C-x g insert-register
>C-x h mark-whole-buffer
>C-x i insert-file
>C-x j jump-to-register
>C-x k kill-buffer
>C-x l count-lines-page
>C-x m compose-mail
>C-x n << Prefix command narrowing-prefix >>
>C-x o other-window
>C-x q kbd-macro-query
>C-x r << Prefix command rectangle-prefix >>
>C-x s save-some-buffers
>C-x u advertised-undo
>C-x x copy-to-register
>C-x { shrink-window-horizontally
>C-x } enlarge-window-horizontally
>C-x backspace backward-kill-sentence
>C-x delete backward-or-forward-kill-sentence
>C-x kp-delete backward-or-forward-kill-sentence
>C-x linefeed dired-jump-back
>C-x return << Prefix command "Mule/Conding" >>
>C-x tab indent-rigidly
>C-x C- pop-global-mark
>C-x C-@ pop-global-mark
>C-x C-b list-buffers
>C-x C-c save-buffers-kill-emacs
>C-x C-d list-directory
>C-x C-e eval-last-sexp
>C-x C-f find-file
>C-x C-i indent-rigidly
>C-x C-j dired-jump-back
>C-x C-k edit-kbd-macro
>C-x C-l downcase-region
>C-x C-m << Prefix command "Mule/Conding" >>
>C-x C-o delete-blank-lines
>C-x C-p mark-page
>C-x C-q toggle-read-only
>C-x C-r find-file-read-only
>C-x C-s save-buffer
>C-x C-t transpose-lines
>C-x C-u upcase-region
>C-x C-v find-alternate-file
>C-x C-w write-file
>C-x C-x exchange-point-and-mark
>C-x C-z suspend-or-iconify-emacs
>C-x C-space pop-global-mark
>C-x M-: repeat-complex-command
>C-x M-escape repeat-complex-command
>C-x M-C-[ repeat-complex-command
>f1 ? help-for-help
>f1 A command-apropos
>f1 B describe-beta
>f1 C customize
>f1 F xemacs-local-faq
>f1 a hyper-apropos
>f1 b describe-bindings
>f1 c describe-key-briefly
>f1 d describe-function
>f1 e describe-last-error
>f1 f describe-function
>f1 i info
>f1 k describe-key
>f1 l view-lossage
>f1 m describe-mode
>f1 n view-emacs-news
>f1 p finder-by-keyword
>f1 q help-quit
>f1 s describe-syntax
>f1 t help-with-tutorial
>f1 v describe-variable
>f1 w where-is
>f1 f1 help-for-help
>f1 help help-for-help
>f1 C-c Info-goto-emacs-command-node
>f1 C-d describe-distribution
>f1 C-f Info-elisp-ref
>f1 C-h help-for-help
>f1 C-i Info-query
>f1 C-k Info-goto-emacs-key-command-node
>f1 C-l describe-copying
>f1 C-n view-emacs-news
>f1 C-p describe-pointer
>f1 C-w describe-no-warranty
>C-c ! a Footnote-add-footnote
>C-c ! b Footnote-back-to-message
>C-c ! c Footnote-cycle-style
>C-c ! d Footnote-delete-footnote
>C-c ! g Footnote-goto-footnote
>C-c ! r Footnote-renumber-footnotes
>C-c ! s Footnote-set-style
>C-x 4 . find-tag-other-window
>C-x 4 0 kill-buffer-and-window
>C-x 4 F find-function-other-window
>C-x 4 V find-variable-other-window
>C-x 4 a add-change-log-entry-other-window
>C-x 4 b switch-to-buffer-other-window
>C-x 4 d dired-other-window
>C-x 4 f find-file-other-window
>C-x 4 l find-library-other-window
>C-x 4 m compose-mail-other-window
>C-x 4 r find-file-read-only-other-window
>C-x 4 linefeed dired-jump-back-other-window
>C-x 4 C-f find-file-other-window
>C-x 4 C-j dired-jump-back-other-window
>C-x 4 C-o display-buffer
>C-x 5 0 delete-frame
>C-x 5 2 make-frame
>C-x 5 F find-function-other-frame
>C-x 5 V find-variable-other-frame
>C-x 5 b switch-to-buffer-other-frame
>C-x 5 d dired-other-frame
>C-x 5 f find-file-other-frame
>C-x 5 l find-library-other-frame
>C-x 5 m compose-mail-other-frame
>C-x 5 o other-frame
>C-x 5 r find-file-read-only-other-frame
>C-x 5 linefeed dired-jump-back-other-frame
>C-x 5 C-f find-file-other-frame
>C-x 5 C-j dired-jump-back-other-frame
>C-x F b facemenu-set-bold
>C-x F d facemenu-set-default
>C-x F i facemenu-set-italic
>C-x F l facemenu-set-bold-italic
>C-x F o facemenu-set-face
>C-x F u facemenu-set-underline
>C-x a ' expand-abbrev
>C-x a + add-mode-abbrev
>C-x a - inverse-add-global-abbrev
>C-x a e expand-abbrev
>C-x a g add-global-abbrev
>C-x a i << Prefix Command >>
>C-x a l add-mode-abbrev
>C-x a C-a add-mode-abbrev
>C-x n d narrow-to-defun
>C-x n n narrow-to-region
>C-x n p narrow-to-page
>C-x n w widen
>C-x r + increment-register
>C-x r b bookmark-jump
>C-x r c clear-rectangle
>C-x r d delete-rectangle
>C-x r g insert-register
>C-x r i insert-register
>C-x r j jump-to-register
>C-x r k kill-rectangle
>C-x r l bookmark-bmenu-list
>C-x r m bookmark-set
>C-x r n number-to-register
>C-x r o open-rectangle
>C-x r p replace-rectangle
>C-x r r copy-rectangle-to-register
>C-x r s copy-to-register
>C-x r t string-rectangle
>C-x r w window-configuration-to-register
>C-x r x copy-to-register
>C-x r y yank-rectangle
>C-x r space point-to-register
>C-x r C-@ point-to-register
>C-x r C-space point-to-register
>C-x C-m F set-default-buffer-file-coding-system
>C-x C-m c universal-coding-system-argument
>C-x C-m f set-buffer-file-coding-system
>C-x C-m p set-buffer-process-coding-system
>C-x C-m t set-terminal-coding-system
>C-x return F set-default-buffer-file-coding-system
>C-x return c universal-coding-system-argument
>C-x return f set-buffer-file-coding-system
>C-x return p set-buffer-process-coding-system
>C-x return t set-terminal-coding-system
>C-x a i g inverse-add-global-abbrev
>C-x a i l inverse-add-mode-abbrev
> >>> On Mon, 19 Dec 2005 20:38:59 -0800
> >>> "Edward A. Lee" <eal at eecs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
>EAL> Oops... These menus should have the same labels (the menu bar menu and
>EAL> the context menu). I just checked, and they both do the same thing,
>EAL> and the Ctrl-F and Ctrl-B bindings work. To check this, create
>EAL> objects in a Vergil screen (graphical elements like rectangles, text,
>EAL> and the select them and select Ctrl-F or Ctrl-B.
>EAL> For the record, "Send to Back" seems more user friendly, but
>EAL> "Move to first(back)" is more technically correct. The fact is,
>EAL> you can invoke these commands on any attribute, and it will affect not
>EAL> just how they are rendered, but also in what order they appear when
>EAL> you edit the parameters of the container...
>EAL> I agree with what Laura will inevitably think (but is probably too
>EAL> polite to say :-) that this is pretty confusing... But it will also be
>EAL> confusing if one chooses "Send to Back" on a parameter, and it has
>EAL> the side effect of putting it first in the Configure dialog...
>EAL> I don't have a good answer here... Perhaps we should just go with
>EAL> "Send to Back" and hope nobody notices :-)
>EAL> Note that I recently made it so decorative elements (which are just
>EAL> attributes with icons) would appear behind or ahead of objects
>EAL> of an entirely different type (e.g., text can be put behind or in
>front of
>EAL> an actor). This didn't used to be the case...
>EAL> Edward
>EAL> At 12:33 PM 12/19/2005 -0800, Christopher Brooks wrote:
> >> Edward writes:
> >> > Note that I would not use Ctrl+F for Full Screen...
> >> > It is currently bound to "bring to front", which is a fairly common
> >> > choice in graphics software, and is far more commonly needed than
> >> > Full Screen.
> >>
> >> Ok, this is a little confusing.
> >>
> >> What we have now is the Edit menu (above the toolbar) has
> >> Send to Back (Ctrl+B)
> >> Bring to Front (Ctrl+F)
> >> (These are defined in vergil/basic/BasicGraphFrame.java)
> >>
> >> The context menu for an actor has
> >> Move to first(back)
> >> Move to last(front)
> >> (These are defined in vergil/kernel/AttributeController.java)
> >>
> >> It seems to me that these are one and the same, but I guess they are
> >> not? How are these different?
> >>
> >> What got me started was I was expecting "Move to first (back)" to have
> >> a Ctrl+F shortcut, but it did not.
> >>
> >> Is there any way we can combine something here?
> >>
> >> _Christopher
> >>
>EAL> ------------
>EAL> Edward A. Lee
>EAL> Professor, Chair of the EE Division, Associate Chair of EECS
>EAL> 231 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
>EAL> phone: 510-642-0253 or 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2845
>EAL> eal at eecs.Berkeley.EDU, http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/~eal
>EAL> _______________________________________________
>EAL> Kepler-dev mailing list
>EAL> Kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org
>EAL> http://mercury.nceas.ucsb.edu/ecoinformatics/mailman/listinfo/kepler-dev
Edward A. Lee
Professor, Chair of the EE Division, Associate Chair of EECS
231 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0253 or 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2845
eal at eecs.Berkeley.EDU, http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/~eal
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