[kepler-dev] Bring to Front vs Move to first menu choice

Bertram Ludaescher ludaesch at cs.ucdavis.edu
Tue Dec 20 07:06:46 PST 2005

Interesting discussion :-)

My two cents: 

$0.01: CaSe MaTtErS (see how HARD it is if you use the WRONG CASE!! ;-)

More seriously: if the underlying system is case-sensitive--a good
idea in general--this might not preclude the user-language to be
case-INsensitive. But this introduces a pretty nasty self-made
problem: now there is no 1-1 mapping from the system language to the
user language: if the user has to choose between foo and Foo, s/he
might be displayed this "choice": 

    "You just entered 'FOO'. The system has two functions with this
    name. Please choose between [ ] FOO and [ ] FOO" 

So if the underlying system is case-sensitive you might as well bite
the bullet. Even English is case-sensitive..

$0.02: if you really want to learn the art of shortcuts (and fairly
consistent ones), learn EMACS ;-)

BTW, when people say Ctrl-F etc do they mean 'F' (as in Shift-f) or
'f' (as in f)? I'm confused. Are thes Ctrl-Expressions


PS As a little freebie ($0.03 so to say), I add the current "keyboard
bindings" of my XEMACS.. as I type this. The command I used to create
the current bindings is called, naturally enough 'describe-bindings'. 
The keyboard shortcut for this, you'll find below; it's: C-h b
(C-h is the prefix for 'help'. Then 'b' is for bindings.. easy!)
Here, C-.. = Ctrl-.. and M-.. = Meta-.. (or ESC for mere mortals ;-)

PPS I admit this is not for everyone. But those who master the Zen of
the N-dimensional keyboard never go back to the 0-dimensional prison
called 'clicking'...

PPPS There are only a few keystrokes that my vegetative nervous system
recalls, i.e., the ones I need most (e.g. C-h b to find out about
keyboard bindings..). But it's good to know that as I need new
commands, a shortcut is readily available (in EMACS it's also easy to
define your own shortcuts; but that's often a bad idea, and a
different story..)

Local Bindings:
key             binding
---             -------

button3		popup-mode-menu
down		abbrev-hacking-next-line
kp-down		abbrev-hacking-next-line
tab		indent-relative
C-c		<< Prefix Command >>
C-i		indent-relative
C-n		abbrev-hacking-next-line
C-end		abbrev-hacking-end-of-buffer
C-kp-end	abbrev-hacking-end-of-buffer
M->		abbrev-hacking-end-of-buffer
M-S		center-paragraph
M-s		center-line
M-tab		bbdb-complete-name
M-C-i		bbdb-complete-name

C-c return	vm-mime-attach-message
C-c C-a		vm-mime-attach-file
C-c C-b		vm-mime-attach-buffer
C-c C-c		vm-mail-send-and-exit
C-c C-e		vm-mime-encode-composition
C-c C-m		vm-mime-attach-message
C-c C-p		<< Prefix Command >>
C-c C-s		vm-mail-send
C-c C-v		<< Prefix command vm-mode-map >>
C-c C-y		vm-yank-message

C-c ?		describe-mode
C-c tab		mail-attach-file
C-c C-a		mail-interactive-insert-alias
C-c C-c		mail-send-and-exit
C-c C-f		<< Prefix Command >>
C-c C-i		mail-attach-file
C-c C-q		mail-fill-yanked-message
C-c C-r		mail-yank-region
C-c C-s		mail-send
C-c C-t		mail-text
C-c C-w		mail-signature
C-c C-y		mail-yank-original

C-c C-p ?	sc-describe
C-c C-p c	sc-cite-region
C-c C-p f	sc-mail-field-query
C-c C-p g	sc-mail-process-headers
C-c C-p h	sc-describe
C-c C-p i	sc-insert-citation
C-c C-p o	sc-open-line
C-c C-p r	sc-recite-region
C-c C-p u	sc-uncite-region
C-c C-p v	sc-version
C-c C-p w	sc-insert-reference
C-c C-p C-b	sc-submit-bug-report
C-c C-p C-p	sc-raw-mode-toggle
C-c C-p C-t	<< Prefix Command >>

C-c C-v !	shell-command
C-c C-v #	vm-save-and-expunge-folder
C-c C-v %	vm-change-folder-type
C-c C-v *	vm-burst-digest
C-c C-v -	negative-argument
C-c C-v /	bbdb
C-c C-v 0 .. C-c C-v 9	 digit-argument
C-c C-v :	bbdb/vm-show-sender
C-c C-v ;	bbdb/vm-edit-notes
C-c C-v <	vm-beginning-of-message
C-c C-v =	vm-summarize
C-c C-v >	vm-end-of-message
C-c C-v ?	vm-help
C-c C-v @	vm-send-digest
C-c C-v A	vm-auto-archive-messages
C-c C-v B	vm-resend-message
C-c C-v D	vm-decode-mime-message
C-c C-v F	vm-followup-include-text
C-c C-v G	vm-sort-messages
C-c C-v H	vm-folders-summarize
C-c C-v L	vm-load-init-file
C-c C-v M	<< Prefix command "VM mode message marks map" >>
C-c C-v N	vm-next-message-no-skip
C-c C-v P	vm-previous-message-no-skip
C-c C-v R	vm-reply-include-text
C-c C-v S	vm-save-folder
C-c C-v U	vm-unread-message
C-c C-v V	<< Prefix command "VM mode virtual folders map" >>
C-c C-v W	<< Prefix command "VM mode window configuration map" >>
C-c C-v [	vm-move-to-previous-button
C-c C-v ]	vm-move-to-next-button
C-c C-v ^	vm-goto-parent-message
C-c C-v a	vm-set-message-attributes
C-c C-v b	vm-scroll-backward
C-c C-v c	vm-continue-composing-message
C-c C-v d	vm-delete-message
C-c C-v e	vm-edit-message
C-c C-v f	vm-followup
C-c C-v g	vm-get-new-mail
C-c C-v h	vm-summarize
C-c C-v i	vm-iconify-frame
C-c C-v j	vm-discard-cached-data
C-c C-v k	vm-kill-subject
C-c C-v l	<< Prefix command "VM mode message labels map" >>
C-c C-v m	vm-mail
C-c C-v n	vm-next-message
C-c C-v p	vm-previous-message
C-c C-v q	vm-quit
C-c C-v r	vm-reply
C-c C-v s	vm-save-message
C-c C-v t	vm-expose-hidden-headers
C-c C-v u	vm-undelete-message
C-c C-v v	vm-visit-folder
C-c C-v w	vm-save-message-sans-headers
C-c C-v x	vm-quit-no-change
C-c C-v z	vm-forward-message
C-c C-v |	vm-pipe-message-to-command
C-c C-v backspace   vm-scroll-backward
C-c C-v button2	  vm-mouse-button-2
C-c C-v delete	 vm-scroll-backward
C-c C-v return	 vm-goto-message
C-c C-v space	vm-scroll-forward
C-c C-v tab	vm-goto-message-last-seen
C-c C-v C-/	vm-undo
C-c C-v C-_	vm-undo
C-c C-v C-d	vm-delete-message-backward
C-c C-v C-i	vm-goto-message-last-seen
C-c C-v C-m	vm-goto-message
C-c C-v C-t	vm-toggle-threads-display
C-c C-v C-x	<< Prefix Command >>
C-c C-v M-C	vm-show-copying-restrictions
C-c C-v M-W	vm-show-no-warranty
C-c C-v M-g	vm-goto-message
C-c C-v M-n	vm-next-unread-message
C-c C-v M-p	vm-previous-unread-message
C-c C-v M-r	vm-resend-bounced-message
C-c C-v M-s	vm-isearch-forward
C-c C-v M-C-n	vm-move-message-forward
C-c C-v M-C-p	vm-move-message-backward

C-c C-f C-b	mail-bcc
C-c C-f C-c	mail-cc
C-c C-f C-f	mail-fcc
C-c C-f C-r	mail-reply-to
C-c C-f C-s	mail-subject
C-c C-f C-t	mail-to

C-c C-p C-t ?	sc-T-describe
C-c C-p C-t N	sc-S-mail-header-nuke-list
C-c C-p C-t a	sc-S-preferred-attribution-list
C-c C-p C-t b	sc-T-mail-nuke-blank-lines
C-c C-p C-t c	sc-T-confirm-always
C-c C-p C-t d	sc-T-downcase
C-c C-p C-t e	sc-T-electric-references
C-c C-p C-t f	sc-T-auto-fill-region
C-c C-p C-t h	sc-T-describe
C-c C-p C-t l	sc-S-cite-region-limit
C-c C-p C-t n	sc-S-mail-nuke-mail-headers
C-c C-p C-t o	sc-T-electric-circular
C-c C-p C-t p	sc-S-preferred-header-style
C-c C-p C-t s	sc-T-nested-citation
C-c C-p C-t u	sc-T-use-only-preferences
C-c C-p C-t w	sc-T-fixup-whitespace

C-c C-v M ?	vm-mark-help
C-c C-v M A	vm-mark-messages-same-author
C-c C-v M C	vm-mark-matching-messages
C-c C-v M M	vm-mark-message
C-c C-v M N	vm-next-command-uses-marks
C-c C-v M R	vm-mark-summary-region
C-c C-v M S	vm-mark-messages-same-subject
C-c C-v M T	vm-mark-thread-subtree
C-c C-v M U	vm-unmark-message
C-c C-v M V	vm-toggle-all-marks
C-c C-v M X	vm-mark-matching-messages-with-virtual-folder
C-c C-v M a	vm-unmark-messages-same-author
C-c C-v M c	vm-unmark-matching-messages
C-c C-v M m	vm-mark-all-messages
C-c C-v M n	vm-next-command-uses-marks
C-c C-v M r	vm-unmark-summary-region
C-c C-v M s	vm-unmark-messages-same-subject
C-c C-v M t	vm-unmark-thread-subtree
C-c C-v M u	vm-clear-all-marks
C-c C-v M x	vm-unmark-matching-messages-with-virtual-folder

C-c C-v l a	vm-add-message-labels
C-c C-v l d	vm-delete-message-labels
C-c C-v l e	vm-add-existing-message-labels

C-c C-v C-x u	vm-undo
C-c C-v C-x C-q	  vm-toggle-read-only
C-c C-v C-x C-s	  vm-save-buffer
C-c C-v C-x C-w	  vm-write-file

C-c C-v V ?	vm-virtual-help
C-c C-v V A	vm-create-virtual-folder-same-author
C-c C-v V C	vm-create-virtual-folder
C-c C-v V M	vm-toggle-virtual-mirror
C-c C-v V S	vm-create-virtual-folder-same-subject
C-c C-v V V	vm-visit-virtual-folder
C-c C-v V X	vm-apply-virtual-folder

C-c C-v W ?	vm-window-help
C-c C-v W D	vm-delete-window-configuration
C-c C-v W S	vm-save-window-configuration
C-c C-v W W	vm-apply-window-configuration

Global Bindings:
key             binding
---             -------

! .. ~		self-insert-command
€ .. ÿ		self-insert-command
again		repeat-complex-command
backspace	delete-backward-char
begin		beginning-of-line
button1		mouse-track
button1up	release-toolbar-button
button2		mouse-track
clearline	function-key-error
delete		backward-or-forward-delete-char
deletechar	delete-char
deleteline	kill-line
end		end-of-line
execute		execute-extended-command
f1		<< help-command >>
find		search-forward
help		help-for-help
home		beginning-of-line
insert		overwrite-mode
insertchar	function-key-error
insertline	open-line
kp-0		self-insert-command
kp-1		self-insert-command
kp-2		self-insert-command
kp-3		self-insert-command
kp-4		self-insert-command
kp-5		self-insert-command
kp-6		self-insert-command
kp-7		self-insert-command
kp-8		self-insert-command
kp-9		self-insert-command
kp-add		self-insert-command
kp-decimal	self-insert-command
kp-delete	backward-or-forward-delete-char
kp-divide	self-insert-command
kp-end		end-of-line
kp-enter	Kbd Macro: return
kp-equal	self-insert-command
kp-home		beginning-of-line
kp-insert	overwrite-mode
kp-left		backward-char-command
kp-multiply	self-insert-command
kp-next		scroll-up-command
kp-prior	scroll-down-command
kp-right	forward-char-command
kp-separator	self-insert-command
kp-space	self-insert-command
kp-subtract	self-insert-command
kp-tab		Kbd Macro: tab
kp-up		previous-line
left		backward-char-command
linefeed	newline-and-indent
menu		popup-mode-menu
next		scroll-up-command
print		function-key-error
prior		scroll-down-command
redo		repeat-complex-command
return		newline
right		forward-char-command
select		function-key-error
space		self-insert-command
undo		undo
up		previous-line
C- 		set-mark-command
C--		negative-argument
C-/		undo
C-0 .. C-9	digit-argument
C-<		mark-beginning-of-buffer
C->		mark-end-of-buffer
C-@		set-mark-command
C-T		transpose-line-down
C-]		abort-recursive-edit
C-_		undo
C-a		beginning-of-line
C-b		backward-char-command
C-d		delete-char
C-e		end-of-line
C-f		forward-char-command
C-g		keyboard-quit
C-h		<< help-command >>
C-j		newline-and-indent
C-k		kill-line
C-l		recenter
C-m		newline
C-o		open-line
C-p		previous-line
C-q		quoted-insert
C-r		isearch-backward
C-s		isearch-forward
C-t		transpose-chars
C-u		universal-argument
C-v		scroll-up-command
C-w		kill-region
C-x		<< Control-X-prefix >>
C-y		yank
C-z		suspend-emacs-or-iconify-frame
C-begin		beginning-of-buffer
C-button1	mouse-track-insert
C-delete	delete-primary-selection
C-down		forward-block-of-lines
C-home		beginning-of-buffer
C-insert	copy-primary-selection
C-kp-down	forward-block-of-lines
C-kp-home	beginning-of-buffer
C-kp-left	backward-word
C-kp-next	scroll-left
C-kp-prior	scroll-right
C-kp-right	forward-word
C-kp-up		backward-block-of-lines
C-left		backward-word
C-next		scroll-left
C-prior		scroll-right
C-right		forward-word
C-space		set-mark-command
C-tab		other-window
C-up		backward-block-of-lines
M-!		shell-command
M-#		calc-dispatch
M-$		ispell-word
M-%		query-replace
M-'		abbrev-prefix-mark
M-(		insert-parentheses
M-)		move-past-close-and-reindent
M-*		pop-tag-mark
M-,		tags-loop-continue
M--		negative-argument
M-.		find-tag
M-/		dabbrev-expand
M-0 .. M-9	digit-argument
M-:		eval-expression
M-;		indent-for-comment
M-<		beginning-of-buffer
M-=		count-lines-region
M-?		<< help-command >>
M-@		mark-word
M-T		transpose-line-up
M-V		scroll-other-window-down
M-\		delete-horizontal-space
M-^		delete-indentation
M-a		backward-sentence
M-b		backward-word
M-c		capitalize-region-or-word
M-d		kill-word
M-e		forward-sentence
M-f		forward-word
M-g		goto-line
M-h		mark-paragraph
M-i		tab-to-tab-stop
M-j		indent-new-comment-line
M-k		kill-sentence
M-l		downcase-region-or-word
M-m		back-to-indentation
M-q		fill-paragraph-or-region
M-r		move-to-window-line
M-t		transpose-words
M-u		upcase-region-or-word
M-v		scroll-down-command
M-w		kill-ring-save
M-x		execute-extended-command
M-y		yank-pop
M-z		zap-to-char
M-{		backward-paragraph
M-|		shell-command-on-region
M-}		forward-paragraph
M-~		not-modified
M-backspace	backward-kill-word
M-button1	mouse-track-do-rectangle
M-delete	backward-or-forward-kill-word
M-down		forward-paragraph
M-end		end-of-buffer-other-window
M-escape	<< Prefix Command >>
M-f4		save-buffers-kill-emacs
M-home		beginning-of-buffer-other-window
M-kp-delete	backward-or-forward-kill-word
M-kp-down	forward-paragraph
M-kp-end	end-of-buffer-other-window
M-kp-home	beginning-of-buffer-other-window
M-kp-left	backward-sexp
M-kp-next	scroll-other-window
M-kp-prior	scroll-other-window-down
M-kp-right	forward-sexp
M-kp-up		backward-paragraph
M-left		backward-sexp
M-linefeed	indent-new-comment-line
M-next		scroll-other-window
M-prior		scroll-other-window-down
M-right		forward-sexp
M-space		just-one-space
M-up		backward-paragraph
M-C-%		query-replace-regexp
M-C--		negative-argument
M-C-/		dabbrev-completion
M-C-0 .. M-C-9	 digit-argument
M-C-@		mark-sexp
M-C-[		<< Prefix Command >>
M-C-\		indent-region
M-C-a		beginning-of-defun
M-C-b		backward-sexp
M-C-c		exit-recursive-edit
M-C-d		down-list
M-C-e		end-of-defun
M-C-f		forward-sexp
M-C-h		mark-defun
M-C-j		indent-new-comment-line
M-C-k		kill-sexp
M-C-l		Anonymous Lambda
M-C-n		forward-list
M-C-o		split-line
M-C-p		backward-list
M-C-r		isearch-backward-regexp
M-C-s		isearch-forward-regexp
M-C-t		transpose-sexps
M-C-u		backward-up-list
M-C-v		scroll-other-window
M-C-w		append-next-kill
M-C-z		activate-region
M-C-backspace	backward-kill-sexp
M-C-button3	popup-buffer-menu
M-C-delete	backward-or-forward-kill-sexp
M-C-down	scroll-up-one
M-C-end		end-of-defun
M-C-home	beginning-of-defun
M-C-kp-delete	backward-or-forward-kill-sexp
M-C-kp-down	scroll-up-one
M-C-kp-end	end-of-defun
M-C-kp-home	beginning-of-defun
M-C-kp-left	backward-sentence
M-C-kp-next	forward-page
M-C-kp-prior	backward-page
M-C-kp-right	forward-sentence
M-C-kp-up	scroll-down-one
M-C-left	backward-sentence
M-C-next	forward-page
M-C-prior	backward-page
M-C-right	forward-sentence
M-C-space	mark-sexp
M-C-up		scroll-down-one
Sh-button1	mouse-track-adjust
Sh-delete	kill-primary-selection
Sh-insert	yank-clipboard-selection
Sh-tab		tab-to-tab-stop
C-Sh-button1	mouse-track-delete-and-insert
C-Sh-tab	backward-other-window

M-C-[ :		eval-expression
M-C-[ escape	keyboard-escape-quit
M-C-[ C-[	keyboard-escape-quit

M-? ?		help-for-help
M-? A		command-apropos
M-? B		describe-beta
M-? C		customize
M-? F		xemacs-local-faq
M-? a		hyper-apropos
M-? b		describe-bindings
M-? c		describe-key-briefly
M-? d		describe-function
M-? e		describe-last-error
M-? f		describe-function
M-? i		info
M-? k		describe-key
M-? l		view-lossage
M-? m		describe-mode
M-? n		view-emacs-news
M-? p		finder-by-keyword
M-? q		help-quit
M-? s		describe-syntax
M-? t		help-with-tutorial
M-? v		describe-variable
M-? w		where-is
M-? f1		help-for-help
M-? help	help-for-help
M-? C-c		Info-goto-emacs-command-node
M-? C-d		describe-distribution
M-? C-f		Info-elisp-ref
M-? C-h		help-for-help
M-? C-i		Info-query
M-? C-k		Info-goto-emacs-key-command-node
M-? C-l		describe-copying
M-? C-n		view-emacs-news
M-? C-p		describe-pointer
M-? C-w		describe-no-warranty

M-escape :	eval-expression
M-escape escape	  keyboard-escape-quit
M-escape C-[	keyboard-escape-quit

C-c !		<< Prefix Command >>
C-c "		uncomment-region
C-c ;		comment-region
C-c g		goto-line
C-c C-f		comint-find-source-code
C-c M-h		pydoc-commands

C-h ?		help-for-help
C-h A		command-apropos
C-h B		describe-beta
C-h C		customize
C-h F		xemacs-local-faq
C-h a		hyper-apropos
C-h b		describe-bindings
C-h c		describe-key-briefly
C-h d		describe-function
C-h e		describe-last-error
C-h f		describe-function
C-h i		info
C-h k		describe-key
C-h l		view-lossage
C-h m		describe-mode
C-h n		view-emacs-news
C-h p		finder-by-keyword
C-h q		help-quit
C-h s		describe-syntax
C-h t		help-with-tutorial
C-h v		describe-variable
C-h w		where-is
C-h f1		help-for-help
C-h help	help-for-help
C-h C-c		Info-goto-emacs-command-node
C-h C-d		describe-distribution
C-h C-f		Info-elisp-ref
C-h C-h		help-for-help
C-h C-i		Info-query
C-h C-k		Info-goto-emacs-key-command-node
C-h C-l		describe-copying
C-h C-n		view-emacs-news
C-h C-p		describe-pointer
C-h C-w		describe-no-warranty

C-x $		set-selective-display
C-x '		expand-abbrev
C-x (		start-kbd-macro
C-x )		end-kbd-macro
C-x +		balance-windows
C-x -		shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer
C-x .		set-fill-prefix
C-x /		point-to-register
C-x 0		delete-window
C-x 1		delete-other-windows
C-x 2		split-window-vertically
C-x 3		split-window-horizontally
C-x 4		<< ctl-x-4-prefix >>
C-x 5		<< ctl-x-5-prefix >>
C-x 6		window-configuration-to-register
C-x ;		set-comment-column
C-x <		scroll-left
C-x =		what-cursor-position
C-x >		scroll-right
C-x F		<< facemenu-keymap >>
C-x K		find-function-on-key
C-x V		find-variable
C-x [		backward-page
C-x ]		forward-page
C-x ^		enlarge-window
C-x `		next-error
C-x a		<< Prefix Command >>
C-x b		switch-to-buffer
C-x d		dired
C-x e		call-last-kbd-macro
C-x f		set-fill-column
C-x g		insert-register
C-x h		mark-whole-buffer
C-x i		insert-file
C-x j		jump-to-register
C-x k		kill-buffer
C-x l		count-lines-page
C-x m		compose-mail
C-x n		<< Prefix command narrowing-prefix >>
C-x o		other-window
C-x q		kbd-macro-query
C-x r		<< Prefix command rectangle-prefix >>
C-x s		save-some-buffers
C-x u		advertised-undo
C-x x		copy-to-register
C-x {		shrink-window-horizontally
C-x }		enlarge-window-horizontally
C-x backspace	backward-kill-sentence
C-x delete	backward-or-forward-kill-sentence
C-x kp-delete	backward-or-forward-kill-sentence
C-x linefeed	dired-jump-back
C-x return	<< Prefix command "Mule/Conding" >>
C-x tab		indent-rigidly
C-x C- 		pop-global-mark
C-x C-@		pop-global-mark
C-x C-b		list-buffers
C-x C-c		save-buffers-kill-emacs
C-x C-d		list-directory
C-x C-e		eval-last-sexp
C-x C-f		find-file
C-x C-i		indent-rigidly
C-x C-j		dired-jump-back
C-x C-k		edit-kbd-macro
C-x C-l		downcase-region
C-x C-m		<< Prefix command "Mule/Conding" >>
C-x C-o		delete-blank-lines
C-x C-p		mark-page
C-x C-q		toggle-read-only
C-x C-r		find-file-read-only
C-x C-s		save-buffer
C-x C-t		transpose-lines
C-x C-u		upcase-region
C-x C-v		find-alternate-file
C-x C-w		write-file
C-x C-x		exchange-point-and-mark
C-x C-z		suspend-or-iconify-emacs
C-x C-space	pop-global-mark
C-x M-:		repeat-complex-command
C-x M-escape	repeat-complex-command
C-x M-C-[	repeat-complex-command

f1 ?		help-for-help
f1 A		command-apropos
f1 B		describe-beta
f1 C		customize
f1 F		xemacs-local-faq
f1 a		hyper-apropos
f1 b		describe-bindings
f1 c		describe-key-briefly
f1 d		describe-function
f1 e		describe-last-error
f1 f		describe-function
f1 i		info
f1 k		describe-key
f1 l		view-lossage
f1 m		describe-mode
f1 n		view-emacs-news
f1 p		finder-by-keyword
f1 q		help-quit
f1 s		describe-syntax
f1 t		help-with-tutorial
f1 v		describe-variable
f1 w		where-is
f1 f1		help-for-help
f1 help		help-for-help
f1 C-c		Info-goto-emacs-command-node
f1 C-d		describe-distribution
f1 C-f		Info-elisp-ref
f1 C-h		help-for-help
f1 C-i		Info-query
f1 C-k		Info-goto-emacs-key-command-node
f1 C-l		describe-copying
f1 C-n		view-emacs-news
f1 C-p		describe-pointer
f1 C-w		describe-no-warranty

C-c ! a		Footnote-add-footnote
C-c ! b		Footnote-back-to-message
C-c ! c		Footnote-cycle-style
C-c ! d		Footnote-delete-footnote
C-c ! g		Footnote-goto-footnote
C-c ! r		Footnote-renumber-footnotes
C-c ! s		Footnote-set-style

C-x 4 .		find-tag-other-window
C-x 4 0		kill-buffer-and-window
C-x 4 F		find-function-other-window
C-x 4 V		find-variable-other-window
C-x 4 a		add-change-log-entry-other-window
C-x 4 b		switch-to-buffer-other-window
C-x 4 d		dired-other-window
C-x 4 f		find-file-other-window
C-x 4 l		find-library-other-window
C-x 4 m		compose-mail-other-window
C-x 4 r		find-file-read-only-other-window
C-x 4 linefeed	 dired-jump-back-other-window
C-x 4 C-f	find-file-other-window
C-x 4 C-j	dired-jump-back-other-window
C-x 4 C-o	display-buffer

C-x 5 0		delete-frame
C-x 5 2		make-frame
C-x 5 F		find-function-other-frame
C-x 5 V		find-variable-other-frame
C-x 5 b		switch-to-buffer-other-frame
C-x 5 d		dired-other-frame
C-x 5 f		find-file-other-frame
C-x 5 l		find-library-other-frame
C-x 5 m		compose-mail-other-frame
C-x 5 o		other-frame
C-x 5 r		find-file-read-only-other-frame
C-x 5 linefeed	 dired-jump-back-other-frame
C-x 5 C-f	find-file-other-frame
C-x 5 C-j	dired-jump-back-other-frame

C-x F b		facemenu-set-bold
C-x F d		facemenu-set-default
C-x F i		facemenu-set-italic
C-x F l		facemenu-set-bold-italic
C-x F o		facemenu-set-face
C-x F u		facemenu-set-underline

C-x a '		expand-abbrev
C-x a +		add-mode-abbrev
C-x a -		inverse-add-global-abbrev
C-x a e		expand-abbrev
C-x a g		add-global-abbrev
C-x a i		<< Prefix Command >>
C-x a l		add-mode-abbrev
C-x a C-a	add-mode-abbrev

C-x n d		narrow-to-defun
C-x n n		narrow-to-region
C-x n p		narrow-to-page
C-x n w		widen

C-x r +		increment-register
C-x r b		bookmark-jump
C-x r c		clear-rectangle
C-x r d		delete-rectangle
C-x r g		insert-register
C-x r i		insert-register
C-x r j		jump-to-register
C-x r k		kill-rectangle
C-x r l		bookmark-bmenu-list
C-x r m		bookmark-set
C-x r n		number-to-register
C-x r o		open-rectangle
C-x r p		replace-rectangle
C-x r r		copy-rectangle-to-register
C-x r s		copy-to-register
C-x r t		string-rectangle
C-x r w		window-configuration-to-register
C-x r x		copy-to-register
C-x r y		yank-rectangle
C-x r space	point-to-register
C-x r C-@	point-to-register
C-x r C-space	point-to-register

C-x C-m F	set-default-buffer-file-coding-system
C-x C-m c	universal-coding-system-argument
C-x C-m f	set-buffer-file-coding-system
C-x C-m p	set-buffer-process-coding-system
C-x C-m t	set-terminal-coding-system

C-x return F	set-default-buffer-file-coding-system
C-x return c	universal-coding-system-argument
C-x return f	set-buffer-file-coding-system
C-x return p	set-buffer-process-coding-system
C-x return t	set-terminal-coding-system

C-x a i g	inverse-add-global-abbrev
C-x a i l	inverse-add-mode-abbrev

>>> On Mon, 19 Dec 2005 20:38:59 -0800
>>> "Edward A. Lee" <eal at eecs.berkeley.edu> wrote: 
EAL> Oops... These menus should have the same labels (the menu bar menu and
EAL> the context menu).  I just checked, and they both do the same thing,
EAL> and the Ctrl-F and Ctrl-B bindings work.  To check this, create decorative
EAL> objects in a Vergil screen (graphical elements like rectangles, text, etc.)
EAL> and the select them and select Ctrl-F or Ctrl-B.
EAL> For the record, "Send to Back" seems more user friendly, but
EAL> "Move to first(back)" is more technically correct.  The fact is,
EAL> you can invoke these commands on any attribute, and it will affect not
EAL> just how they are rendered, but also in what order they appear when
EAL> you edit the parameters of the container...
EAL> I agree with what Laura will inevitably think (but is probably too
EAL> polite to say :-) that this is pretty confusing... But it will also be
EAL> confusing if one chooses "Send to Back" on a parameter, and it has
EAL> the side effect of putting it first in the Configure dialog...
EAL> I don't have a good answer here...  Perhaps we should just go with
EAL> "Send to Back" and hope nobody notices :-)
EAL> Note that I recently made it so decorative elements (which are just
EAL> attributes with icons) would appear behind or ahead of objects
EAL> of an entirely different type (e.g., text can be put behind or in front of
EAL> an actor). This didn't used to be the case...
EAL> Edward
EAL> At 12:33 PM 12/19/2005 -0800, Christopher Brooks wrote:
>> Edward writes:
>> >    Note that I would not use Ctrl+F for Full Screen...
>> >    It is currently bound to "bring to front", which is a fairly common
>> >    choice in graphics software, and is far more commonly needed than
>> >    Full Screen.
>> Ok, this is a little confusing.
>> What we have now is the Edit menu (above the toolbar) has
>> Send to Back   (Ctrl+B)
>> Bring to Front (Ctrl+F)
>> (These are defined in vergil/basic/BasicGraphFrame.java)
>> The context menu for an actor has
>> Move to first(back)
>> Move to last(front)
>> (These are defined in vergil/kernel/AttributeController.java)
>> It seems to me that these are one and the same, but I guess they are
>> not?  How are these different?
>> What got me started was I was expecting "Move to first (back)" to have
>> a Ctrl+F shortcut, but it did not.
>> Is there any way we can combine something here?
>> _Christopher
EAL> ------------
EAL> Edward A. Lee
EAL> Professor, Chair of the EE Division, Associate Chair of EECS
EAL> 231 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
EAL> phone: 510-642-0253 or 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2845
EAL> eal at eecs.Berkeley.EDU, http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/~eal  
EAL> _______________________________________________
EAL> Kepler-dev mailing list
EAL> Kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org
EAL> http://mercury.nceas.ucsb.edu/ecoinformatics/mailman/listinfo/kepler-dev

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