[kepler-dev] Vector GIS data Visualization Actor and High-Dimensional data PCP Visualization Actor
Dan Higgins
higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
Tue Aug 9 09:50:57 PDT 2005
Matt & Jianting,
I agree that it would be great if we had a shapefile visualizer in
Kepler (some of the ENM group had requested such a feature for some
future analyses.) The PCP feature is also useful. I did some research
and found that there is an R function (in the MASS package) called
'parcoord' that creates PCP plots, so we can also use the RExpression
actor to create such visulaizations! (see attached figure)
Matt Jones wrote:
>I thnk the PCP plots would likely be very useful to some folks. It
>wasn't clear to me from the other screenshot what the other one did, but
>it is probably useful too if as it seems it allows visualization of
>shapefiles. Could you go ahead and check those in please -- please
>consult with Chad to determine the best location of the source in the
>kepler CVS tree. Thanks.
>Jianting Zhang wrote:
>>I’ve implemented two visualization actors, one for vector GIS using
>>Jump/JTS open source GIS package and the other one for high-dimensional
>>data based on Parallel Coordinate Plot (PCP) using two sub-components of
>>PSU GeoVista open source visualization package.
>>Although I was targeting at my own applications, I think these two
>>visualization actors might be useful to other applications, especially
>>GEON project. If anyone has interests, I will have them checked into
>>Kepler and make necessary modifications. Two screen snapshots are
>>available at ftp://ftp.lternet.edu/pub/outgoing/jzhang/dgp/JUMP.JPG and
>>ftp://ftp.lternet.edu/pub/outgoing/jzhang/dgp/PCP.JPG. Just to give you
>>an idea what they can do.
>>BTW: Jump/JTS supports overlaying vector GIS data and images retrieved
>>from OGC WMS services. However, it may be difficult to overlap vector
>>GIS data and general image data. Is anyone interested in this part?
>>Jianting Zhang, PhD
>>Long-term Ecological Research Network Office
>>UNM Biology Department
>>MSC03 2020
>>1 University of New Mexico
>>Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
>>505-277-0666 (office)
>>505-249-3980 (cell)
>>505 277-2541 (fax)
>>Kepler-cvs mailing list
>>Kepler-cvs at ecoinformatics.org
Dan Higgins higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/ Ph: 805-893-5127
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
Marine Science Building - Room 3405
Santa Barbara, CA 93195
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