[kepler-dev] Re: Compiling Ptolemy with Eclipse
Franck Valentin
franckv at pasteur.fr
Tue May 4 06:07:11 PDT 2004
Hi Bertram,
Thanks for your response, I saw and try Kepler too but in fact I will
need to modify Vergil and some behaviours of Ptolemy (I succeeded in
compiling Kepler but the source of Ptolemy are not included...).
For example I need to call external applications (with the possibility
for a user to add an application), see the current state of an actor,
see and edit the datas of a link, test compatibilities between actors
(file formats), run only a part of the workflow, ...
I found one of the problems but unable to fix it : when I create the
project with a personal folder (say PTII) my packages are named
PTII.xx.yy.zz instead of xx.yy.zz
I'm very new to Eclipse but I hope I'll can find the pb soon.
On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 12:36, Bertram Ludaescher wrote:
> Hi Franck:
> fyi: you may also be interested in the following Ptolemy II "spin-off"
> called Kepler that has been used for bioinformatics and other
> scientific workflows:
> http://kepler.ecoinformatics.org
> The first official Kepler release is planned for later this month, but
> the code is available already (and earlier "pre-releases").
> There is also a page contributed by one of the Kepler folks to using
> Eclipse:
> http://kepler.ecoinformatics.org/eclipse.html
> Bertram
> >>>>> "FV" == Franck Valentin <franckv at pasteur.fr> writes:
> FV>
> FV> Good morning,
> FV> I'm a software designer in the Pasteur Institute (Paris) and I'm
> FV> involved with a workflow definition and conception for sequence analysis
> FV> (mainly). Ptolemy II seems to correspond to the core functionalities I
> FV> need and seems to be easy to customize (thanks to have made docs and UML
> FV> diagrams !)
> FV>
> FV> Unfortunatly I'm trying to make an eclipse project following the
> FV> instructions described but without success.
> FV>
> FV> I'm now trying to install Ptolemy "by hand" following the chapter
> FV> "Setting up for Ptolemy II By Hand" described in doc/coding/eclipse.htm
> FV> and I have these errors :
> FV>
> FV> 1 - The project was not built since its classpath is incomplete. Cannot
> FV> find the class file for ptolemy.math.Complex. Fix the classpath then try
> FV> rebuilding this project.
> FV>
> FV> 2 - For the file /ptolemy/matlab/test/TestEngine.java :
> FV> This compilation unit indirectly references the missing type
> FV> ptolemy.math.Complex (typically some required class file is referencing
> FV> a type outside the classpath)
> FV>
> FV> (Weird because I can see ptolemy.math in Eclipse)
> FV> Can you say me if there is a mistake in the procedure described or I
> FV> made something wrong.
> FV>
> FV> Thanks a lot !
> FV>
> FV>
> FV>
> FV> Regards
> FV>
> FV> Franck Valentin
> FV>
> FV>
> FV> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> FV> Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list. Please send administrative
> FV> mail for this list to: ptolemy-hackers-request at ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu
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