[kepler-dev] [VOTE] request membership for Steve Mock

Bertram Ludaescher ludaesch at sdsc.edu
Wed Mar 17 21:26:19 PST 2004

Approve (+1)

>>>>> "IA" == Ilkay Altintas <altintas at sdsc.edu> writes:
IA> Dear All,
IA> I would like to nominate Steve Mock for membership into the Kepler dev
IA> group.  Steve has been contributing the existing Kepler code (via me)
IA> in the past (funded through the NMIWorkflow project) and will continue
IA> his contributions through a collaboration with another scientific
IA> workflow project on chemistry.
IA> In the past, Steve has contributed 3 good actors: GlobusProxy,
IA> GridFTP, and GlobusJob. He has well integrated with the SDSC part
IA> of the collaboration as a team player as well as a skilled programmer.
IA> Please respond to the list (kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org) within 5
IA> business days (until monday, march 22nd at 5pm) with any commentary
IA> and a vote as follows:
IA>      * Approve (+1) - Steve should BECOME A KEPLER VOTING MEMBER
IA>      * Neutral (0)  -- NO OPINION
IA>      * Disapprove (-1) - Steve should NOT BECOME A KEPLER VOTING MEMBER*.
IA> *Note that a vote of Disapprove is a veto which guarantees failure of
IA> the vote, so if you vote Disapprove, you must provide a reason for doing so.
IA> If we don't get at least 2/3 of the members casting a vote, we should
IA> probably ask for another vote or say that this vote has failed.
IA> If you have any questions about this process, please refer to:
IA> (http://kepler.ecoinformatics.org/management.html).
IA> Note that only current contributing members of the project can vote.
IA> Member           Vote and optional explanation
IA> -------          -----------------------------
IA> Altintas	       Approve
IA> Berkley
IA> Brooks
IA> Cheng
IA> Jaeger
IA> Jones
IA> Lee
IA> Ludaescher
IA> Neuendorffer
IA> Tao
IA> Vouk
IA> Zhao
IA> Best,
IA> Ilkay
IA> _______________________________________________
IA> kepler-dev mailing list
IA> kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org
IA> http://www.ecoinformatics.org/mailman/listinfo/kepler-dev

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