[kepler-dev] web service actor

Bertram Ludaescher ludaesch at sdsc.edu
Wed Feb 25 17:40:37 PST 2004

>>>>> "CB" == Chad Berkley <berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu> writes:
CB> I just used java types as return objects because it was convenient to do 
CB> so at the time.  it's not hard to change.  I'm not sure why you wouldn't 
CB> want to use a java object, since soap allows for you to do such a thing. 

Good. What other types does soap allow one to use/specify? 
Maybe using Java types is a good thing, but we should just discuss.

CB>   If we intend to implement the token passing system that we have talked 
CB> about before, i think we are going to need the functionality of a java 
CB> object, not just an xsd type.  but we can talk about this. I just wanted 
CB> to get something to work with grass/garp. 

.. or maybe we need to functionality of a Ptolemy type object!?

CB> what did your heated  discussion entail?

that we need more discussions ;-)

Basically, the question was: if we add other type
mechanisms/assumptions such as Java types, C# types (just to be
"balanced") and PHP types, isn't that defeating the purpose of using
web services and WSDL (and thus also the reusability of those services 
in Kepler!) ? 


CB> chad
CB> Bertram Ludaescher wrote:
>> Chad:
>> I have some questions regarding the types of data going in and out of
>> a web service: In my understanding, web services describe the type of
>> their data mostly in XML Schema, and not as Java types.
>> Since web services can be implemented in different languages, Java,
>> C#, PHP, Perl, Python, ... what is the purpose of adding Java types in 
>> particular?
>> Wouldn't it be better to use XML Schema types and/or Ptolemy types and 
>> make them part of the Kepler type system?
>> We just had a (heated!!) discussion here between Ilkay, Shawn, a local 
>> web service guru (Jesus) and myself...
>> Maybe we should have a phone conference on that tomorrow or so...
>> Bertram
>>>>>>> "CB" == Chad Berkley <berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu> writes:
CB> Hi Ilkay,
CB> I was just wondering how your progress is going on getting the web 
CB> service actor to return objects (besides strings).  I now have a bunch 
CB> of web services that make calls to GRASS that I would like to use in 
CB> kepler.  All of these services return the same object 
CB> (GrassReturnObject).  If you want or need some help getting that actor 
CB> to work, I'd be glad to help.
CB> chad
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