[tcs-lc] selective quotes from Rich

Nico Franz franz at nceas.ucsb.edu
Mon Mar 7 16:03:24 PST 2005

Hi Rich:

   I did a  bit of modern politics here with selective quoting out of context (thanks, Mr. K. Rove). This is borderline petty; but, I think by and large your position does not negate my point that certain Code-prescribed acts are open to conceptual interpretation, new typifications being among them. For those who see it this way already - you may skip the rest. Also sorry for CCing the inquiry about Rich's modifications of my document to the list. Maybe your annotations to my list will move us forward.



Nico wrote:
If it turns out that some "Code-prescribed acts" are open to (or even require) such a conceptual reading, how do we treat them in the TCS-LC context?

*Subjective:* judgments about the availability and validity of names that are prescribed by the Codes only because of a new assessment of taxonomic relationships; relationships among names that involve statements about the taxonomic identity of at least two type specimens; the new assessment alters the status of an old (and otherwise compliant) name and thus requires the creation of a new name/specimen link.


Selective quotes from Rich's response to the earlier exchange:

"Properties of concept objects involve defining the size/shape/position of the "circle" that circumscribes a set of organisms into one concept.  These are what I think of when Nico references "subjective" taxonomic information."

"There is no doubt, as Paul has said, that the concept preceeds the name."

"Accordingly, there is no doubt that for every name that is intended to be established in accordance with the Codes of nomenclature, there is an implied concept circumscription of organisms beyond the type specimen of the name."

"So pretty-much by definition, a true lectotypification event requires no subjective interpretation -- other than the inference that the candidate lectotype was indeed examined by the original describer, and indeed considered *by that person* as among the material representative of the taxon."

"Indeed, the neotype designation *does* require subjective interpretation about concept circumscriptions when typified."

"...but this is not really an issue about defining the size or shape of any concept circumscription "circle" (though it does arguably have an impact on the "position" of the circle)."

"I agree for neotypes, but not necessarily lectotypes."

"In fact, I think the main reason that ICZN provides recommendations (instead of Articles) is for cases that involve subjective interpretations of concept circumscriptions."

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