[SEEK-Taxon] RE: LinneanCore Group Work - PART 2

Richard Pyle deepreef at bishopmuseum.org
Fri Nov 12 02:54:39 PST 2004

I decided to check email one more time before going to bed....

> Am I right or wrong in thinking that TCS needs the author and
> publication fields in its schema to document the author and
> publication details of the _concept_. LC needs the author and
> publication fields in _its_ schema to document the author and
> publication details of the _name_(s.l.). When the TCS is
> transferring data about original concepts (Aus bus Smith sensu
> Smith) then that data ('Smith', Journal of Good Housekeeping or
> whatever) will be duplicated. When the TCS is transferring data
> about a new concept (Aus bus Smith sensu Brown) then the data
> (Smith, Brown, Journal of Good Housekeeping, Goatbreeders
> monthly) will be different.

As I tried to describe in "Part 1" of my diatribe, and tried to illustrate
in "Part 2", I believe that LC and TCS need to point to publications for
different reasons -- even if both happen to point to the same publication in
a given instance (which would happen for "Original Concepts").  The example
I provided in the last email might have been insufficient, so I've expanded
it here to include "Aus bus Smith 1949 sensu Jones 1990" and "Xus bus (Smith
1949) Pyle 2000 sensu Hinchcliffe & Kennedy 2004".  After some sleep, or
perhaps this weekend, I'll try to create some of these with real data
(Zoology). I've also updated the ID values to keep them easier to follow.

    <Publication id="PUID1" type="Article">
         Smith, J.D. 1949. Aus bus, a new species of Cidae from the Hawaiian
Islands. Journal of the Linnean Core. 1(1):15-20
        [Insert full "AlexandriaCore" schema instance here for publication
details of Smith, 1949]
    <Publication id="PUID2" type="Article">
         Jones, I. 1990. A review of Cidae. Taxoschemers Review.
        [Insert full "AlexandriaCore" schema instance here for publication
details of Jones, 1990]
    <Publication id="PUID3" type="Article">
         Pyle, R.L. 2000. New records for the Marquesas. Nature. 429:1234.
        [Insert full "AlexandriaCore" schema instance here for publication
details of Jones, 1990]
    <Publication id="PUID4" type="Book">
         Hichcliffe, S. & J. Kennedy. 2004. Everything you ever wanted to
know about Cidae, but were afraid to ask. Random House, NY. 785 pp.
        [Insert full "AlexandriaCore" schema instance here for publication
details of Jones, 1990]
    <TaxonConcept type="Nominal" id="TUID1">
      <Name id="TUID1">
        <NameSimple>Aus bus</NameSimple>
          <Label>Aus bus Smith 1949</Label>
            <Text>Aus bus</Text>
            <Text>Smith 1949</Text>
            <ProtonymCitation id="PUID1" />
          <Rank code="sp" text="species" />
          <AuthorsTaxonOrthograpy>Aus bus</AuthorsTaxonOrthograpy>
    <TaxonConcept type="Original" id="TUID2">
      <Name id="TUID1">
        <NameSimple>Aus bus</NameSimple>
          <Label>Aus bus Smith 1949</Label>
            <Text>Aus bus</Text>
            <Text>Smith 1949</Text>
            <ProtonymCitation id="PUID1" />
          <Rank code="sp" text="species" />
          <AuthorsTaxonOrthograpy>Aus bus</AuthorsTaxonOrthograpy>
          <PublishedIn ref="PUID1" />
    <TaxonConcept type="??????" id="TUID3">
      <Name id="TUID1">
        <NameSimple>Aus bus</NameSimple>
          <Label>Aus bus Smith 1949</Label>
            <Text>Aus bus</Text>
            <Text>Smith, 1949</Text>
            <ProtonymCitation id="PUID1" />
          <Rank code="sp" text="species" />
          <AuthorsTaxonOrthograpy>Aus bus</AuthorsTaxonOrthograpy>
          <PublishedIn ref="PUID2" />
    <TaxonConcept type="Nominal" id="TUID4">
      <Name id="TUID4">
        <NameSimple>Xus bus</NameSimple>
          <Label>Xus bus (Smith 1949) Pyle 2000</Label>
            <Text>Xus bus</Text>
            <Text>(Smith 1949) Pyle 2000</Text>
            <ProtonymCitation id="PUID1" />
            <CombinationCitation id="PUID3" />
          <Rank code="sp" text="species" />
          <AuthorsTaxonOrthograpy>Xus bus</AuthorsTaxonOrthograpy>
    <TaxonConcept type="Original" id="TUID5">
      <Name id="TUID4">
        <NameSimple>Xus bus</NameSimple>
          <Label>Xus bus (Smith 1949) Pyle 2000</Label>
            <Text>Xus bus</Text>
            <Text>(Smith 1949) Pyle 2000</Text>
            <ProtonymCitation id="PUID1" />
            <CombinationCitation id="PUID3" />
          <Rank code="sp" text="species" />
          <AuthorsTaxonOrthograpy>Xus bus</AuthorsTaxonOrthograpy>
          <PublishedIn ref="PUID3" />
    <TaxonConcept type="??????" id="TUID6">
      <Name id="TUID4">
        <NameSimple>Xus bus</NameSimple>
          <Label>Xus bus (Smith 1949) Pyle 2000</Label>
            <Text>Xus bus</Text>
            <Text>(Smith 1949) Pyle 2000</Text>
            <ProtonymCitation id="PUID1" />
            <CombinationCitation id="PUID3" />
          <Rank code="sp" text="species" />
          <AuthorsTaxonOrthograpy>Xus bus</AuthorsTaxonOrthograpy>
        <AccordingToSimple>Hinchcliffe & Kennedy</AccordingToSimple>
          <AuthorTeam>Hinchcliffe & Kennedy</AuthorTeam>
          <PublishedIn ref="PUID4" />

Bear in mind that the the UID stuff is just off the cuff. I'm not trying to
make a statement about UID -- but about how LC can fit nicely within TCS.
It's also nearly 1am, so I've undoubtedly made some silly errors.

One thing to notice is that "Nominal" type instances:
   1) Share the same Name id & Concept id;
   2) Have no "AccordingTo" information

O.K., I see that the sun has risen there in Europe, and I see that Jessie's
first response is already in, and she's probably composing a repsonse to
mine right now....so now is probably a good time to power down my computer
if I hope to get any sleep at all tonight....



Richard L. Pyle, PhD
Natural Sciences Database Coordinator, Bishop Museum
1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817
Ph: (808)848-4115, Fax: (808)847-8252
email: deepreef at bishopmuseum.org

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