[SEEK-Taxon] Task list

Aimee Stewart astewart at ku.edu
Wed Nov 10 11:47:07 PST 2004

Hi all,

Dave Thau and I have organized our tasks into a list on the wiki for 
your input.  It is located at 
http://seek.ecoinformatics.org/Wiki.jsp?page=TaxonTaskList and is linked 
off the main Taxon page under Upcoming.  A quick rundown - they are 
broken into Building Blocks (TOS stabilization and TCS stabilization) 
and Overall Goals (Tools and Integration with the rest of SEEK). 

We put in the steps needed to accomplish our goals with a few names and 
deadlines when they were volunteered.  This is completely based on our 
meeting notes, so I don't think there will be any surprises. 

After everyone has a chance to review, accept or reject tasks, comment, 
etc to the group, we'll put them in bugzilla with dependencies so that 
we can easily track our progress. 


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