[SEEK-Taxon] guids

Richard Pyle deepreef at bishopmuseum.org
Mon May 24 12:02:55 PDT 2004

Hi Dave,

Great overview (as usual)!  Thanks!

I have one question, and one comment:

Question (for Bob and others as well):

What is the difference between two "versions" of the same concept, vs. two
separate concepts?

In my mind, a concept is a fixed entity, that does not change over time --
it was born with a certain scope, and maintains that scope into perpetuity.
If the same author(s) of the original concept subsequently invoke
essentially the same concept, but with a slight variation, my feeling is
that it should be treated as a different concept (to whatever extent the
slight variation is demonstrable).  In other words, if it's different enough
that it needs to be tracked by a different version number, why isn't it
different enough that it should be tracked as a separate concept?

Maybe a specific set of examples would be helpful?

The comment is simply a wholehearted endorsement of your recommendation for
a single "taxaserver.org" domain for the SEEK LSIDs.  The two biggest
reasons I would favor this approach are: 1) politics (the single largest
reason why what SEEK is trying to do hasn't already been done, in my
opinion), and 2) the less information you embed within the ID number, the
better (again, in my opinion).

Thanks again, and I'm really sorry I wasn't able to make it to Edinburgh (I
do have my sights on New Zealand in October, though!)


Richard L. Pyle, PhD
Natural Sciences Database Coordinator, Bishop Museum
1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817
Ph: (808)848-4115, Fax: (808)847-8252
email: deepreef at bishopmuseum.org

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