[SEEK-Taxon] Re: GUID

Nozomi Ytow nozomi at biol.tsukuba.ac.jp
Tue Mar 16 19:02:19 PST 2004

Hi Rich,

thanks for explanations.  So far, my understanding is that
SEEK Taxon is looking for an indirect pointer system usable
globally and uniquely (am I right?  I hope so...).

Suppose two databases.  Each of them has a record for a single
potential taxon, but these recoreds are incomplete.  Say,
database A has (rank, name, author, null) record while
database B has (null, name, author, citation) record.  It is obvious
for an expart of the small taxon that these records should point to
the same taxon, but not for others.  Does SEEK Taxon team looking for
an automatic mechanism to map these two entries to the same GUID
without human expart's help?


Dr. Nozomi "James" Ytow
Institute of Biological Sciences / Gene research center
University of Tsukuba
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8572

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