[seek-kr-sms] running growl from CVS
Shawn Bowers
sbowers at ucdavis.edu
Fri Feb 25 13:58:30 PST 2005
For those of us who like to do it the old-fashioned way; perhaps you
could stick a new GrowlEditor.jar file somewhere (e.g., in cvs) that we
could just run without having to compile, etc.
Serguei Krivov wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> Sorry for the mess with the code and docs. We intended to clean it
> before the beta release. At this point we are still in the stage of
> alpha.
> Both Rich and I are fans of nice IDEs, e.g. Eclipse or NetBeans and as a
> consequence we did not use any separate utility for building project. If
> you do not use eclipse or NB then we have to think how to port GrOWL to
> your type of project. My impression however was that most of us who do
> java use eclipse.
> If you have eclipse then compiling with GrOWL/Jena is easy (comparing to
> compiling GrOWL?OWLAPI):
> 1. Install Jena, or have (ALL)Jena jars ready
> 2.If you are using eclipse CVS check out directory
> kr-sms/ontobrowser/src:
> right click on it, select Check Out As, select Java Project and go
> through the steps that the wizards offer. Assume that the project name
> you selected is "ontobrowser"
> If using external CVS , get the code and create new project e.g.
> "ontobrowser" using directory kr-sms/ontobrowser/src as top directory of
> the project.
> 3. Project will be compiled with many errors. Get to the "property
> dialog "of the project "ontobrowser" (for this one can right click on
> the project, select "properties" from the bottom of popup menu, or
> select the project in the explorer and then go to Menu: Project |
> Properties)
> In the property dialog click on Java Build Path (on the left). Then
> select pane Libraries, then click button AddExternal Jars and add ALL
> jena jars to the project.
> After this project should compile. There will be still errors in the
> code related to OWLAPI part, and in the old code, but these are
> negligible.
> 4. To execute: in package explorer select
> org/ecoinformatics/seek/growl/editor/GrowlEditor.java
> then in menu Run select: Run As | Java Application
> If you use NetBeans , use kr-sms/ontobrowser/src as a mount point for
> code,
> Add the same external jars of Jena.
> Please let me know if more detailed description could be more useful.
> At the moment browsing of large ontologies is not really great. I am
> working on graphic filters that would allow to select a class and view
> separately a)its definition, b)its instances, c) references to this
> class etc . After this is done (by next week) browsing of large
> ontologies will be easy.
> serguei
> -----Original Message-----
> From: seek-kr-sms-admin at ecoinformatics.org
> [mailto:seek-kr-sms-admin at ecoinformatics.org] On Behalf Of Matt Jones
> Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 4:00 PM
> To: Sergui Krivov
> Cc: Ferdinando Villa; seek-kr-sms at ecoinformatics.org
> Subject: [seek-kr-sms] running growl from CVS
> Sergui,
> I'm trying to look at the new growl from CVS. We'd like to evaluate how
> it might be used in Kepler for ontology UI stuff. Unfortunately,
> here's no readme, docs, ant build file (build.xml), makefile, batch
> file, or shell script that's relevant as far as I can tell in the
> ontobrowser directory. Can you help me out?
> 1) Is the source in "seek/projects/kr-sms/ontobrowser" ?
> 2) How do I build Growl from source?
> 3) How do I run Growl once built?
> Thanks.
> Matt
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