[seek-kr-sms] GrOWL/Jena

Serguei Krivov Serguei.Krivov at uvm.edu
Wed Feb 23 13:01:00 PST 2005

Hi Shawn,
In fact by layout style sheet I meant a simple thing - an xml files that
stores x, y coordinates for each node. When   ontology file say
camera.owl, is loaded, growl will also look  for another file-
camera.owl.layout. If it is found then the information from that file is
used to restore the old position of nodes. Thus , if ontology map was
positioned  once - it could be restored with exactly same shape and TG
auto-layout thing becomes unnecessary.  Automatic layout still works
and perhaps I should find some way to lock it, so that it is not
activated by mistake.

As you see  the layout style sheet is just exactly what you asked us to
implement sometime ago and   as I understand it - the whole idea of
layout style sheet was yours.  

This is great! The style sheets sound interesting. Can you give some 
examples of how the layout style sheets would be used?  What can one do 
with them, and what kind of "looks" can be created?


Serguei Krivov wrote:
> The first version of GrOWL based entirely on Jena is in CVS. I also 
> implemented layout style sheets. Now static layout is default for
> It uses layout engine only when layout style sheet is not available.
> serguei

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