[seek-kr-sms] Taxon/KR integration prototype proposal

thau@learningsite.com thau at learningsite.com
Tue Mar 30 11:27:40 PST 2004

Hello everyone,

Shawn and I have been working on describing a prototype which would
integrate the things the ks-sms folks are doing and the things the taxon
group folk are doing.

Here's what we have so far.  Please take a look at this, and answer a few
questions for us:

1.  Would a prototype like this be useful?
2.  Is it scoped about right to have something to show by early May?
3.  Are there other, better use cases integrating taxon and sms stuff?
4.  The milestones are rough - but any thoughts about important
	things that should go in there would be appreciated.
5.  Does anything in this not make sense?
6.  What kind of beer?

Dave and Shawn
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