[seek-dev] Re: [seek-kr-sms] UI
Bertram Ludaescher
ludaesch at sdsc.edu
Tue Jun 15 03:47:20 PDT 2004
>>>>> "RS" == Rod Spears <rods at ku.edu> writes:
RS> I agree with Ferdinando and the entire problem can be boiled down to his
RS> quote "/we need to start a synthesis (top-down) effort aimed at
RS> understanding what's the language that shapes an ecologist's thinking
RS> when they approach a problem/"
RS> Of course, I think the word "language" is both literal and figurative.
RS> I disagree with the notion that Kepler is a "/visual modeling and
RS> analysis language/." Or if it is that, it is at too low level and the
RS> moment entirely too difficult for the non-SEEK scientists to use. The
boxes with arrows between them is about as abstract as you can get I
think (as well as concrete, depending on what the boxes stand for).
Maybe we need to think about how IMA or other more conceptual
approaches can be viewed as boxes with arrows between them. I might be
stretching this a bit, but I think that in principle it should be
possible to draw an ER or UML class diagram as an actor network. With
the right "director" such an network might allow to query the
conceptual ER/UML schema or some underlying databases conforming to
that schema. It's certainly different from what Ptolemy folks had
originally in mind, but given their very abstract approach and very
hooks into the system I wouldn't be surprised if such a conceptual
data modeling and querying tool were in fact quite easy to implement
on top of Ptolemy.
However even more interesting is, again, to think what structured
approach to analysis pipelines or integrated modeling one would
RS> solution isn't "just fix Kepler's UI." Kepler has an important role to
RS> play in the project, it is a very powerful tool as we all know. The
RS> point is, let's not /force /it to play role it isn't necessarily meant
RS> to play.
RS> Rod
RS> Ferdinando Villa wrote:
>> One way I would frame this discussion, thinking about the comment about
>> "visual modeling and analysis language" and the whole UI issue, is that
>> we need to start a synthesis (top-down) effort aimed at understanding
>> what's the language that shapes an ecologist's thinking when they
>> approach a problem, and characterize its relationship with the two
>> conceptual frameworks we've been concentrating on so far: the KR
>> framework and the workflow framework (in their abstract nature, before
>> going down to OWL and Ptolemy, and WITHOUT one thought to any pretty
>> screenshot!). The exercise should highlight whether we need to (a) have
>> enough of one - maybe slightly extended - and infer the other, (b) find
>> something that sits in the middle, or (c) find something totally
>> different. This done, we should be able to easily define the visual
>> language that most closely embodies it.
>> Back to personal opinions, I'll just add that it's my belief that this
>> process, although it needs very open minds, doesn't necessarily have to
>> be very long and very hard, and I think we have all the pieces in place
>> to quickly prototype the right UI (as opposed to the "advanced" one!)
>> when the idea is clear, without having to distance ourselves much from
>> things as they stand now...
>> ferd
>> On Mon, 2004-06-14 at 08:56, Rod Spears wrote:
>>> In many ways I think the current user-interface work for Kepler is
>>> almost orthoginal to this discussion.
>>> There are many issues with the current UI that need to be fixed ASAP,
>>> but I don't think it should keep us from getting a group together to
>>> start down the path that Shawn has outlined.
>>> If we (and we should) take a more process oriented approach to
>>> developing the UI this work really has little, if anything, to do with
>>> Kepler for quite sometime.
>>> As I see it the Kepler UI is really the "advanced" UI for SEEK. There is
>>> a whole lot of work that needs to go on before that.
>>> Deana has a very valid point as to how to begin this work with/without
>>> the usability position being filled. At the same time, many different
>>> aspects of the UI are being to take shape and time is of the essence.
>>> Rod
>>> Deana Pennington wrote:
>>>> Shawn & Rod,
>>>> I think these are all great suggestions, and we've been discussimg
>>>> putting together a group of ecologists for a couple of days of
>>>> testing, but:
>>>> 1) we thought that there are some major issues with the interface as
>>>> it stands right now that need to be fixed before we try to get a group
>>>> together, and
>>>> 2) a decision needs to made about the useability engineer position, so
>>>> that person can be involved right from the start in user testing and
>>>> UI design
>>>> So, I think we should table this discussion until the above 2 things
>>>> are resolved. It's obvious that this needs to be addressed soon.
>>>> Deana
>>>> Shawn Bowers wrote:
>>>>> Rod Spears wrote:
>>>>>> (This is a general reply to the entire thread that is on seek-kr-sms):
>>>>>> In the end, there are really two very simple questions about what we
>>>>>> are all doing on SEEK:
>>>>>> 1) Can we make it work?
>>>>> a) This begs the question of "how" to make it work.
>>>>>> 2) Will anybody use it?
>>>>> a) This begs the question of "can" anybody use it?
>>>>>> Shawn is right when he says we are coming at this from the
>>>>>> "bottom-up." SEEK has been very focused on the mechanics of how to
>>>>>> take legacy data and modeling techniques and create a new
>>>>>> environment to "house" them and better utilize them. In the end, if
>>>>>> you can't answer question #1, it does matter whether you can answer
>>>>>> question #2.
>>>>>> But at the same time I have felt that we have been a little too
>>>>>> focused on #1, or at the very least we haven't been spending enough
>>>>>> time on question #2.
>>>>>> Both Nico and Fernando touched on two very important aspects of what
>>>>>> we are talking about. Nico's comment about attacking the problem
>>>>>> from "both" ends (top down and bottom up) seems very appropriate.
>>>>>> In fact, the more we know about the back-end the better we know what
>>>>>> "tools" or functionality we have to develop for the front-end and
>>>>>> how best they can interact.
>>>>>> Fernando's comment touches on the core of what concerns me the most,
>>>>>> and it is the realization of question #2
>>>>>> His comment: "/I also think that the major impediment to an
>>>>>> understanding that requires a paradigm switch is the early
>>>>>> idealization of a graphical user interface/." Or more appropriately
>>>>>> known as "the seduction of the GUI." (Soon to be a Broadway play ;-) ).
>>>>>> We absolutely have to create a tool that scientists can use. So this
>>>>>> means we have to create a tool that "engages" the way they think
>>>>>> about modeling problems. Note that I used the word "engage", meaning
>>>>>> the tool doesn't to be an exact reflection of their process for
>>>>>> creating a models and doing analysis, but if has to be close enough
>>>>>> to make them want to "step up to the plate" and "take a swing for
>>>>>> the fence" as it were.
>>>>>> In many ways too, Fernando's comment touch on the the problem I have
>>>>>> always had with Kepler. The UI is completely intertwined with the
>>>>>> model definition and the analysis specification. It has nearly zero
>>>>>> flexibility in how one "views" the "process" of entering in the
>>>>>> model. (As a side note, the UI is one of the harder aspects of
>>>>>> Kepler to tailor)
>>>>>> In a perfect world of time and budgets it would be nice to create a
>>>>>> tool that has standalone Modeling and Analysis Definition Language,
>>>>>> then a core standalone analysis/simulation engine, and lastly a set
>>>>>> of GUI tools that assist the scientists in creating the models and
>>>>>> monitoring the execution. Notice how the GUI came last? The GUI
>>>>>> needs to be born out of the underlying technology instead of
>>>>>> defining it.
>>>>>> I am a realist and I understand how much functionality Kepler brings
>>>>>> to the table, it gives us such a head start in AMS. Maybe we need to
>>>>>> start thinking about a more "conceptual" tool that fits in front of
>>>>>> Kelper, but before that we need to really understand how the average
>>>>>> scientist would approach the SEEK technology. I'll say this as a
>>>>>> joke: "but that pretty much excludes any scientist working on SEEK,"
>>>>>> but it is true. Never let the folks creating the technology tell you
>>>>>> how the technology should be used, that's the responsibility of the
>>>>>> user.
>>>>>> I know the word "use case" has been thrown around daily as if it
>>>>>> were confetti, but I think the time is approaching where we need to
>>>>>> really focus on developing some "real" end-user use cases. I think a
>>>>>> much bigger effort and emphasis needs to be placed on the
>>>>>> "top-down." And some of the ideas presented in this entire thread is
>>>>>> a good start.
>>>>> Great synthesis and points Rod.
>>>>> (Note that I un-cc'd kepler-dev, since this discussion is very much
>>>>> seek-specific)
>>>>> I agree with you, Nico, and Ferdinando that we need top-down
>>>>> development (i.e., an understanding of the targeted user problems and
>>>>> needs, and how best to address these via end-user interfaces) as well
>>>>> as bottom-up development (underlying technology, etc.).
>>>>> I think that in general, we are at a point in the project where we
>>>>> have a good idea of the kinds of solutions we can provide (e.g., with
>>>>> EcoGrid, Kepler, SMS, Taxon, and so on).
>>>>> And, we are beginning to get to the point where we are
>>>>> building/needing user interfaces: we are beginning to
>>>>> design/implement add-ons to Kepler, e.g., for EcoGrid querying and
>>>>> Ontology-enabled actor/dataset browsing; GrOWL is becoming our
>>>>> user-interface for ontologies; we are designing a user interface for
>>>>> annotating actors and datasets (for datasets, there are also UIs such
>>>>> as Morhpo); and working on taxonomic browsing.
>>>>> I definately think that now in the project is a great time to take a
>>>>> step back, and as these interfaces are being designed and implemented
>>>>> (as well as the lower-level technology), to be informed by real
>>>>> user-needs.
>>>>> Here is what I think needs to be done to do an effective top-down
>>>>> design:
>>>>> 1. Clearly identify our target user group(s) and the general benefit
>>>>> we believe SEEK will provide to these groups. In particular, who are
>>>>> we developing the "SEEK system" for, and what are their
>>>>> problems/needs and constraints. Capture this as a report. (As an
>>>>> aside, it will be very hard to evaluate the utility of SEEK without
>>>>> understanding who it is meant to help, and how it is meant to help
>>>>> them.)
>>>>> 2. Assemble a representive group of target users. As Rod suggests,
>>>>> there should be participants that are independent of SEEK. [I
>>>>> attended one meeting that was close to this in Abq in Aug. 2003 --
>>>>> have there been others?]
>>>>> 3. Identify the needs of the representive group in terms of SEEK.
>>>>> These might be best represented as "user stories" (i.e., scenarios)
>>>>> initially as opposed to use cases. I think there are two types of
>>>>> user stories that are extremely benefitial: (1) as a scenario of how
>>>>> some process works now, e.g., the story of a scientist that needed to
>>>>> run a niche model; (2) ask the user to tell us "how you would like
>>>>> the system to work" for the stories from 1.
>>>>> 4. Synthesize the user stories into a set of target use cases that
>>>>> touch a wide range of functionality. Develop and refine the use cases.
>>>>> 5. From the use cases and user constraints, design one or more
>>>>> "storyboard" user interfaces, or the needed user interface components
>>>>> from the use cases. At this point, there may be different possible
>>>>> interfaces, e.g., a high-level ontology based interface as suggested
>>>>> by Ferdinando and a low-level Kepler-based interface. This is where
>>>>> we need to be creative to address user needs.
>>>>> 6. Get feedback from the target users on the "storyboard" interfaces
>>>>> (i.e., let them evaluate the interfaces). Revisit the user stories
>>>>> via the storyboards. Refine the second part of 3, and iterate 5 and 6.
>>>>> 7. Develop one or more "prototypes" (i.e., the interface with canned
>>>>> functionality). Let the user group play with it, get feedback, and
>>>>> iterate.
>>>>> 8. The result should be "the" user interface.
>>>>> One of the most important parts of this process is to identify the
>>>>> desired characteristics of the target users, and to pick a
>>>>> representative group of users that can lead to the widest array of
>>>>> use-cases/user-stories that are most benefitial to the target users.
>>>>> For example, we have primarily focused on niche-modeling as the use
>>>>> case. (This isn't a great example, but bear with me) If our sample
>>>>> user group only consisted of scientists that did niche modeling, or
>>>>> if this were our target user group, we would probably build a user
>>>>> interface around, and specific to niche modeling (i.e., niche
>>>>> modeling should become an integral, and probably embedded, part of
>>>>> the interface). Of course, for us, this isn't necessarily true
>>>>> because we know we have a more general target user group. But,
>>>>> hopefully you get the point.
>>>>> shawn
>>>>>> Rod
>>>>>> Deana Pennington wrote:
>>>>>>> In thinking about the Kepler UI, it has occurred to me that it
>>>>>>> would really be nice if the ontologies that we construct to
>>>>>>> organize the actors into categories, could also be used in a
>>>>>>> high-level workflow design phase. For example, in the niche
>>>>>>> modeling workflow, GARP, neural networks, GRASP and many other
>>>>>>> algorithms could be used for that one step in the workflow. Those
>>>>>>> algorithms would all be organized under some high-level hierarchy
>>>>>>> ("StatisticalModels"). Another example is the Pre-sample step,
>>>>>>> where we are using the GARP pre-sample algorithm, but other
>>>>>>> sampling algorithms could be substituted. There should be a
>>>>>>> high-level "Sampling" concept, under which different sampling
>>>>>>> algorithms would be organized. During the design phase, the user
>>>>>>> could construct a workflow based on these high level concepts
>>>>>>> (Sampling and StatisticalModel), then bind an actor (already
>>>>>>> implemented or using Chad's new actor) in a particular view of that
>>>>>>> workflow. So, a workflow would be designed at a high conceptual
>>>>>>> level, and have multiple views, binding different algorithms, and
>>>>>>> those different views would be logically linked through the high
>>>>>>> level workflow. The immediate case is the GARP workflow we are
>>>>>>> designing will need another version for the neural network
>>>>>>> algorithm, and that version will be virtually an exact replicate
>>>>>>> except for that actor. Seems like it would be better to have one
>>>>>>> workflow with different views...
>>>>>>> I hope the above is coherent...in reading it, I'm not sure that it
>>>>>>> is :-)
>>>>>>> Deana
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> seek-dev mailing list
>>>>> seek-dev at ecoinformatics.org
>>>>> http://www.ecoinformatics.org/mailman/listinfo/seek-dev
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> seek-kr-sms mailing list
>>> seek-kr-sms at ecoinformatics.org
>>> http://www.ecoinformatics.org/mailman/listinfo/seek-kr-sms
RS> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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RS> I agree with Ferdinando and the entire problem can be boiled down to
RS> his quote "<i>we
RS> need to start a synthesis (top-down) effort aimed at understanding
RS> what's the language that shapes an ecologist's thinking when they
RS> approach a problem</i>"<br>
RS> <br>
RS> Of course, I think the word "language" is both literal and figurative. <br>
RS> <br>
RS> I disagree with the notion that Kepler is a "<i>visual modeling and
RS> analysis language</i>." Or if it is that, it is at too low level and
RS> the moment entirely too difficult for the non-SEEK scientists to use.
RS> The solution isn't "just fix Kepler's UI." Kepler has an important
RS> role to play in the project, it is a very powerful tool as we all know.
RS> The point is, let's not <i>force </i>it to play role it isn't
RS> necessarily
RS> meant to play.<br>
RS> <br>
RS> Rod<br>
RS> <br>
RS> <br>
RS> Ferdinando Villa wrote:
RS> <blockquote cite="mid1087228283.4452.32.camel at basil.snr.uvm.edu"
RS> type="cite">
RS> <pre wrap="">One way I would frame this discussion, thinking about the comment about
RS> "visual modeling and analysis language" and the whole UI issue, is that
RS> we need to start a synthesis (top-down) effort aimed at understanding
RS> what's the language that shapes an ecologist's thinking when they
RS> approach a problem, and characterize its relationship with the two
RS> conceptual frameworks we've been concentrating on so far: the KR
RS> framework and the workflow framework (in their abstract nature, before
RS> going down to OWL and Ptolemy, and WITHOUT one thought to any pretty
RS> screenshot!). The exercise should highlight whether we need to (a) have
RS> enough of one - maybe slightly extended - and infer the other, (b) find
RS> something that sits in the middle, or (c) find something totally
RS> different. This done, we should be able to easily define the visual
RS> language that most closely embodies it.
RS> Back to personal opinions, I'll just add that it's my belief that this
RS> process, although it needs very open minds, doesn't necessarily have to
RS> be very long and very hard, and I think we have all the pieces in place
RS> to quickly prototype the right UI (as opposed to the "advanced" one!)
RS> when the idea is clear, without having to distance ourselves much from
RS> things as they stand now...
RS> ferd
RS> On Mon, 2004-06-14 at 08:56, Rod Spears wrote:
RS> </pre>
RS> <blockquote type="cite">
RS> <pre wrap="">In many ways I think the current user-interface work for Kepler is
RS> almost orthoginal to this discussion.
RS> There are many issues with the current UI that need to be fixed ASAP,
RS> but I don't think it should keep us from getting a group together to
RS> start down the path that Shawn has outlined.
RS> If we (and we should) take a more process oriented approach to
RS> developing the UI this work really has little, if anything, to do with
RS> Kepler for quite sometime.
RS> As I see it the Kepler UI is really the "advanced" UI for SEEK. There is
RS> a whole lot of work that needs to go on before that.
RS> Deana has a very valid point as to how to begin this work with/without
RS> the usability position being filled. At the same time, many different
RS> aspects of the UI are being to take shape and time is of the essence.
RS> Rod
RS> Deana Pennington wrote:
RS> </pre>
RS> <blockquote type="cite">
RS> <pre wrap="">Shawn & Rod,
RS> I think these are all great suggestions, and we've been discussimg
RS> putting together a group of ecologists for a couple of days of
RS> testing, but:
RS> 1) we thought that there are some major issues with the interface as
RS> it stands right now that need to be fixed before we try to get a group
RS> together, and
RS> 2) a decision needs to made about the useability engineer position, so
RS> that person can be involved right from the start in user testing and
RS> UI design
RS> So, I think we should table this discussion until the above 2 things
RS> are resolved. It's obvious that this needs to be addressed soon.
RS> Deana
RS> Shawn Bowers wrote:
RS> </pre>
RS> <blockquote type="cite">
RS> <pre wrap="">Rod Spears wrote:
RS> </pre>
RS> <blockquote type="cite">
RS> <pre wrap="">(This is a general reply to the entire thread that is on seek-kr-sms):
RS> In the end, there are really two very simple questions about what we
RS> are all doing on SEEK:
RS> 1) Can we make it work?
RS> a) This begs the question of "how" to make it work.
RS> 2) Will anybody use it?
RS> a) This begs the question of "can" anybody use it?
RS> Shawn is right when he says we are coming at this from the
RS> "bottom-up." SEEK has been very focused on the mechanics of how to
RS> take legacy data and modeling techniques and create a new
RS> environment to "house" them and better utilize them. In the end, if
RS> you can't answer question #1, it does matter whether you can answer
RS> question #2.
RS> But at the same time I have felt that we have been a little too
RS> focused on #1, or at the very least we haven't been spending enough
RS> time on question #2.
RS> Both Nico and Fernando touched on two very important aspects of what
RS> we are talking about. Nico's comment about attacking the problem
RS> from "both" ends (top down and bottom up) seems very appropriate.
RS> In fact, the more we know about the back-end the better we know what
RS> "tools" or functionality we have to develop for the front-end and
RS> how best they can interact.
RS> Fernando's comment touches on the core of what concerns me the most,
RS> and it is the realization of question #2
RS> His comment: "/I also think that the major impediment to an
RS> understanding that requires a paradigm switch is the early
RS> idealization of a graphical user interface/." Or more appropriately
RS> known as "the seduction of the GUI." (Soon to be a Broadway play ;-) ).
RS> We absolutely have to create a tool that scientists can use. So this
RS> means we have to create a tool that "engages" the way they think
RS> about modeling problems. Note that I used the word "engage", meaning
RS> the tool doesn't to be an exact reflection of their process for
RS> creating a models and doing analysis, but if has to be close enough
RS> to make them want to "step up to the plate" and "take a swing for
RS> the fence" as it were.
RS> In many ways too, Fernando's comment touch on the the problem I have
RS> always had with Kepler. The UI is completely intertwined with the
RS> model definition and the analysis specification. It has nearly zero
RS> flexibility in how one "views" the "process" of entering in the
RS> model. (As a side note, the UI is one of the harder aspects of
RS> Kepler to tailor)
RS> In a perfect world of time and budgets it would be nice to create a
RS> tool that has standalone Modeling and Analysis Definition Language,
RS> then a core standalone analysis/simulation engine, and lastly a set
RS> of GUI tools that assist the scientists in creating the models and
RS> monitoring the execution. Notice how the GUI came last? The GUI
RS> needs to be born out of the underlying technology instead of
RS> defining it.
RS> I am a realist and I understand how much functionality Kepler brings
RS> to the table, it gives us such a head start in AMS. Maybe we need to
RS> start thinking about a more "conceptual" tool that fits in front of
RS> Kelper, but before that we need to really understand how the average
RS> scientist would approach the SEEK technology. I'll say this as a
RS> joke: "but that pretty much excludes any scientist working on SEEK,"
RS> but it is true. Never let the folks creating the technology tell you
RS> how the technology should be used, that's the responsibility of the
RS> user.
RS> I know the word "use case" has been thrown around daily as if it
RS> were confetti, but I think the time is approaching where we need to
RS> really focus on developing some "real" end-user use cases. I think a
RS> much bigger effort and emphasis needs to be placed on the
RS> "top-down." And some of the ideas presented in this entire thread is
RS> a good start.
RS> </pre>
RS> </blockquote>
RS> <pre wrap="">
RS> Great synthesis and points Rod.
RS> (Note that I un-cc'd kepler-dev, since this discussion is very much
RS> seek-specific)
RS> I agree with you, Nico, and Ferdinando that we need top-down
RS> development (i.e., an understanding of the targeted user problems and
RS> needs, and how best to address these via end-user interfaces) as well
RS> as bottom-up development (underlying technology, etc.).
RS> I think that in general, we are at a point in the project where we
RS> have a good idea of the kinds of solutions we can provide (e.g., with
RS> EcoGrid, Kepler, SMS, Taxon, and so on).
RS> And, we are beginning to get to the point where we are
RS> building/needing user interfaces: we are beginning to
RS> design/implement add-ons to Kepler, e.g., for EcoGrid querying and
RS> Ontology-enabled actor/dataset browsing; GrOWL is becoming our
RS> user-interface for ontologies; we are designing a user interface for
RS> annotating actors and datasets (for datasets, there are also UIs such
RS> as Morhpo); and working on taxonomic browsing.
RS> I definately think that now in the project is a great time to take a
RS> step back, and as these interfaces are being designed and implemented
RS> (as well as the lower-level technology), to be informed by real
RS> user-needs.
RS> Here is what I think needs to be done to do an effective top-down
RS> design:
RS> 1. Clearly identify our target user group(s) and the general benefit
RS> we believe SEEK will provide to these groups. In particular, who are
RS> we developing the "SEEK system" for, and what are their
RS> problems/needs and constraints. Capture this as a report. (As an
RS> aside, it will be very hard to evaluate the utility of SEEK without
RS> understanding who it is meant to help, and how it is meant to help
RS> them.)
RS> 2. Assemble a representive group of target users. As Rod suggests,
RS> there should be participants that are independent of SEEK. [I
RS> attended one meeting that was close to this in Abq in Aug. 2003 --
RS> have there been others?]
RS> 3. Identify the needs of the representive group in terms of SEEK.
RS> These might be best represented as "user stories" (i.e., scenarios)
RS> initially as opposed to use cases. I think there are two types of
RS> user stories that are extremely benefitial: (1) as a scenario of how
RS> some process works now, e.g., the story of a scientist that needed to
RS> run a niche model; (2) ask the user to tell us "how you would like
RS> the system to work" for the stories from 1.
RS> 4. Synthesize the user stories into a set of target use cases that
RS> touch a wide range of functionality. Develop and refine the use cases.
RS> 5. From the use cases and user constraints, design one or more
RS> "storyboard" user interfaces, or the needed user interface components
RS> from the use cases. At this point, there may be different possible
RS> interfaces, e.g., a high-level ontology based interface as suggested
RS> by Ferdinando and a low-level Kepler-based interface. This is where
RS> we need to be creative to address user needs.
RS> 6. Get feedback from the target users on the "storyboard" interfaces
RS> (i.e., let them evaluate the interfaces). Revisit the user stories
RS> via the storyboards. Refine the second part of 3, and iterate 5 and 6.
RS> 7. Develop one or more "prototypes" (i.e., the interface with canned
RS> functionality). Let the user group play with it, get feedback, and
RS> iterate.
RS> 8. The result should be "the" user interface.
RS> One of the most important parts of this process is to identify the
RS> desired characteristics of the target users, and to pick a
RS> representative group of users that can lead to the widest array of
RS> use-cases/user-stories that are most benefitial to the target users.
RS> For example, we have primarily focused on niche-modeling as the use
RS> case. (This isn't a great example, but bear with me) If our sample
RS> user group only consisted of scientists that did niche modeling, or
RS> if this were our target user group, we would probably build a user
RS> interface around, and specific to niche modeling (i.e., niche
RS> modeling should become an integral, and probably embedded, part of
RS> the interface). Of course, for us, this isn't necessarily true
RS> because we know we have a more general target user group. But,
RS> hopefully you get the point.
RS> shawn
RS> </pre>
RS> <blockquote type="cite">
RS> <pre wrap="">Rod
RS> Deana Pennington wrote:
RS> </pre>
RS> <blockquote type="cite">
RS> <pre wrap="">In thinking about the Kepler UI, it has occurred to me that it
RS> would really be nice if the ontologies that we construct to
RS> organize the actors into categories, could also be used in a
RS> high-level workflow design phase. For example, in the niche
RS> modeling workflow, GARP, neural networks, GRASP and many other
RS> algorithms could be used for that one step in the workflow. Those
RS> algorithms would all be organized under some high-level hierarchy
RS> ("StatisticalModels"). Another example is the Pre-sample step,
RS> where we are using the GARP pre-sample algorithm, but other
RS> sampling algorithms could be substituted. There should be a
RS> high-level "Sampling" concept, under which different sampling
RS> algorithms would be organized. During the design phase, the user
RS> could construct a workflow based on these high level concepts
RS> (Sampling and StatisticalModel), then bind an actor (already
RS> implemented or using Chad's new actor) in a particular view of that
RS> workflow. So, a workflow would be designed at a high conceptual
RS> level, and have multiple views, binding different algorithms, and
RS> those different views would be logically linked through the high
RS> level workflow. The immediate case is the GARP workflow we are
RS> designing will need another version for the neural network
RS> algorithm, and that version will be virtually an exact replicate
RS> except for that actor. Seems like it would be better to have one
RS> workflow with different views...
RS> I hope the above is coherent...in reading it, I'm not sure that it
RS> is :-)
RS> Deana
RS> </pre>
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