[seek-kr-sms] growl issues

Serguei Krivov Serguei.Krivov at uvm.edu
Thu Aug 26 12:32:06 PDT 2004

We have some resent addition to growl- Rich has implemented rendering in
abstract OWL syntax which could be useful  in many ways, especially for
writing owl related papers. Also cardinality update now does not require
pressing enter key. I updated the jar file at
We think about adding a floating combo boxes with lists of classes or
individuals that would allow user to draw relations by dragging mouse
from a source (domain),  dropping it at empty space and then selecting
the right object from combo box which intended to be the target (range).
Such combo will be similar to code completion boxes in eclipse.
There are a few minor issues with rendering which would be nice to
1.	Would it be more intuitive to use a separate color for datatypes
, data properties and data property restriction , so that user does not
confuse them with classes, object properties, object property
2.	How to render relations with no explicit domain and/or range?
The current version does not show them at all and this may be not the
best idea. Should we use owl:Thing node as a default domain, range when
explicit definition is absent? Should we show naked relation node with
no domain and/or no range?
3.	In current version the format of restriction is as follows
PropertyName.RestrictionSpecification. where RestrictionSpecification.
Could be universal or existential quantor or cardinality constraint. May
be we should put it the other way  RestrictionSpecification.PropertyName
so that it looks similar to DL notations?
One big question:
Once Shawn mentioned about somebody using spreadsheet for writing
ontologies and I liked the idea. Should we add an alternative table
view with 3 columns that would show triples Object | Relation |Object ,
where Relation can be isa, subclass,  property , property-restriction
etc. ???Then we could have simple search mechanism, may be in form of 2
or 3 combo boxes that would allow to view specific part of this table.
This type of view would be ideal for viewing large ABox, where graph
is  too dense. 
And here is the main question: 
Now, what prevents you guys from throwing away Protégé, OilEdit, and
other things and using Growl Editor as the only OWL editor? IMHO growl
is far more convenient and intuitive then other editors I know for both
editing and browsing. If you think differently, please explain why, so
that we could improve growl.
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