[obs] Joining DwC, OBOE, PO and PATO

Cam Webb cwebb at oeb.harvard.edu
Thu Oct 28 03:46:29 PDT 2010

Dear Shawn,

> In OBOE, going back to your original example, one way you could
> specify the measurement of the individual using PATO terms might be
> something like this:
> _:o2
>  a oboe:Observation ;
>  oboe:ofEntity [
>    a po:PO_0009001 ;  # fruit entity
>    ] ;
>  oboe:hasContext _:o1 ;
>  oboe:hasMeasurement [
>    oboe:ofCharacteristic [
>      a po:PATO_0000014 ; # color
>      ] ;
>    oboe:hasValue [
>      a po:PATO_0000320 ; # green
>      ] ;
>    ] .
> _:o1
>  a oboe:Observation ;
>  oboe:ofEntity _:blank1 .  # an Occurrence

Very useful.  And should DwC eventually accept an Observation class 
itself, the oboe:hasContext of the fruit observation could point straight 
to that. Or even to the dwc:Occurrence itself of we can consider an 
observation to be a type of Occurrence.



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