[kepler-users] kepler interface to JXTA or P2PS

Maurice Yarrow Maurice.Yarrow at comcast.net
Tue Nov 29 12:19:06 PST 2005

Hello Kepler users

Is there presently any way to interface 
Kepler to either JXTA or P2PS ?	

I.e.: I would like to write autonymous
cli-servs-peers (have properties of both
client and server) that can communicate 
with the director of a running Kepler instance.

My goal is not well served by using Web
Services for a variety of reasons, so 
the above model will allow more flexibility
for the type of real-time conduct I require.

(Triana supports this but Kepler would be a 
preferred platform for a variety of reasons.)

Also apropos of this issue, what is the status
of the line item in Alpha 8 (Dec 9 release 
indicated): "initial kepler grid support for 
distributed directory/p2p" ?

Maurice Yarrow

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