[kepler-dev] Tutorials and Demos

Deana Pennington dpennington at lternet.edu
Mon Apr 9 10:37:32 PDT 2007

I think this is great.  By the time you are ready to spend some time on 
this I should have lots of ideas & workflow tutorials to bounce off of 
you.  Just let me know in a few weeks when you have your other things 
done and are ready to spend some time with this.  I'm looking forward to 
working with you!  I think we should use a coherent approach across the 
training/tutorials/demos/manuals.  Kirsten will be working on the 
technical editing for these, so it will be the three of us working 
together.  Should be fun :-)


Glen Jarvis wrote:
> Deana wrote:
>> Yes, but I have limited time to learn how to do this -- Glen has 
>> experience and is offering his time, therefore I most definitely vote 
>> that we let him do it!     :-)
>> I may still do some things with Camtasia, but there is no reason it 
>> can't be a joint effort.
> The response is:
> Deana,
>    I am all about teamwork. I don't know much about working inside of 
> the Kepler group yet, and I don't yet know what are the main bullet 
> points that were to be covered in the videos. I do, however, know 
> online video editing and have gotten better and better at it with a 
> few projects under my belt. So together, with your experience in 
> kepler-dev and with my editing experience, I think we could do a very 
> nice job.
>    For example, I could just send an email regularly asking, "What do 
> you think of this idea?" and send a link to an accompanying video. 
> And, since you know more what is needed, could in a sense manage the 
> production (i.e., manage me) to get exactly what we want for 
> professional training videos.
>    I also just picked up Camtasia as an alternate to the video editing 
> tools I've been using. I'm currently using an evaluation copy, 
> however, I'm incredibly impressed. While driving for a few hours in 
> the car yesterday, I became more and more exciting as I thought about 
> what could be done. For example, [look at the Kepler logo that is seen 
> on the splash screen when Kepler is first started], the Kepler splash 
> screen/logo has several circles (Actors) connected together to a final 
> workflow. The "Loading" video to show that Flash Kepler Demo is 
> loading can be this small icon where the Actors are "flashing" from 
> left to right, like a status bar is often seen when something is loading.
>    This idea is very clean and adds that small but professional touch. 
> It was everything I could do to make myself not sit down and work on 
> the pulsing loading video. (Unfortunately, I have to manage my time 
> closely these next few weeks).
>    So, Deana, I greatly appreciate your offer to work together. Do you 
> still need me to do testing in these Demos you had originally 
> mentioned? I would happily be a test case for you. I hope all is well.
> Warmest Regards,
> Glen Jarvis
> --913-486-8775
> glen at glenjarvis.com
> http://www.glenjarvis.com
> "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -M. Gandhi


Deana D. Pennington, PhD
Long-term Ecological Research Network Office

UNM Biology Department
MSC03  2020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM  87131-0001

505-277-2595 (office)
505-249-2604 (cell)
505 277-2541 (fax)

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