[kepler-dev] GlobusProxy actor

Zhijie Guan guan at sdsc.edu
Fri Feb 24 10:41:14 PST 2006

Hi, Norbert,

I am not quite sure what GlobusProxy does. But if you have the DOEGrids 
certificate, you can generate your proxy by using "grid-proxy-init" or 
MyProxy. You can run your workflow based on that proxy till your proxy 

The Kepler authentication framework can help you get the proxy directly. 
You don't even need a certificate installed on you machine. Basically you 
just need an account and password. The authentication framework will 
generate the proxy based on your certificate stored on the GAMA server.

I doubt DOEGrids uses GAMA server as its front. So Kepler authentication 
framework may not help in your case.

Another benefit for using Kepler authentication framework is that it is 
designed (though current GAMA server does not support) to automatically 
renew your proxy so you don't need to re-login after each 12 hours 
(default expire time for a proxy) when you execute a long-running 

Please let me know if DOEGrids does use GAMA server. I will be happy to 
integrate DOEGrids into our authentication framework.


On Fri, 24 Feb 2006, Norbert Podhorszki wrote:

> Yes, it has static IP.
> The problem must be somewhere in the java installation, concerning the
> security packages. Something is either missing or extra or misconfigured.
> That is why asked whether someone ran into this problem and solved.
> I do not know about the authentication framework.
> What I have: a DOEGrids certificate,
> What I need: create a proxy certificate from that certificate.
> If I cannot do that from Kepler/java, I will do that by command-line
> before running Kepler workflows.
> I expect I will need it next week already, but maybe later, this depends
> on progress of others.
> Thanks
> Norbert
> On Fri, 24 Feb 2006, altintas at sdsc.edu wrote:
>> Hi Norbert,
>> Are you on a static IP machine? This actor gives errors when run from a
>> laptop.
>> I used it in the past and the latest version used to work. I don't
>> recommend using it though. We don't support it as the author doesn't
>> directly contribute to Kepler.
>> Do you think you can use the authentication framework instead? Zhijie can
>> help you on how to use it.
>> -ilkay
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there anyone, who used the GlobusProxy actor? When I run on a
>>> linux/java 1.4.2_10 combo, I get the strange error message, see below.
>>> There are discussions on the web about this, however, I could not find
>>> resolutions. So if someone already solved this within Kepler, please, tell
>>> me the secret.
>>> Thanks
>>> Norbert
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