[kepler-dev] Kepler specific Director and ComponentEntity classes and _addIcon()

Matthew Brooke brooke at nceas.ucsb.edu
Wed Apr 19 10:12:10 PDT 2006


 > We could delay this.  However, I think Edward sketched out a design
 > that might work.  I could try implementing it and see.
 > [..] This could also solve the icon problem for Attributes.
 > I could install the MoML changes and we could see what happens.

Won't hurt to try - I'm always up for adventure, as long as we're 
completely sure it's all working before we commit to cvs. There are 3 
workflows in cvs that show *all* the actors, so these would be a good 
test. They are called:


 > As per Edward's mail that followed
 > your mail, we are not talking about adding *Icon.xml files.

I saw that - I kinda thought this was the case, but just wanted to make 
sure I was on the same page as you guys.

 > I think XMLIcon is a possible fly in the ointment.  I have not
 > looked at it.

More of an elephant in the ointment, I'm guessing... ;-)
Although provided the moml changes just add the same attributes that are 
currently added by ComponentEntityConfig, we might be in luck...

 > It might just work seemlessly.

Heh - *how* long have you been a developer?? ;o)



Matthew Brooke, Ph.D.
Marine Sciences Research Building, Room #3407
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA  93106-6150
ph: (805) 893-7108   fx: 805-893-8062
brooke at nceas.ucsb.edu

Christopher Brooks wrote:
> Matthew writes:
>> Given the non-trivial issues and potential changes involved, and
>> given the imminent deadlines for Kepler Beta 1 and 1.0 releases, I'm
>> soundly of the opinion that we should probably not make any attempt
>> to actually do any of this until after 1.0; what do you think?
> Hi Matthew,
> We could delay this.  However, I think Edward sketched out a design
> that might work.  I could try implementing it and see.
> It might just work seemlessly.  As per Edward's mail that followed
> your mail, we are not talking about adding *Icon.xml files.
> This could also solve the icon problem for Attributes.
> I could install the MoML changes and we could see what happens.
> I was not planning on being at Albuquerque.  Partly a time commitment
> issue.  I could probably do more for Kepler sitting at home cleaning
> things up.
> I think XMLIcon is a possible fly in the ointment.  I have not
> looked at it.
> _Christopher
> --------
>     At 09:17 PM 4/18/2006, Matthew Brooke wrote:
>     >If I understand you correctly, you guys are saying we should use the 
>     >*Icon.xml system - is that right? If so, I don't think that's going 
>     >to work for Kepler; basically, we have about 130 (and counting) 
>     >icons already defined as standard SVG files - do you mean we'd need 
>     >to write a *Icon.xml file (which is not SVG, but is ptii-specific) 
>     >for each one? I'm not entirely sure I'm understanding you correctly, 
>     >so let me know if I'm on the wrong track...
>     >(keeping up the "train wreck" theme ;-)
>     This is not my suggestion...
>     What I'm suggesting is that we co-opt the mechanism that supports
>     the *Icon.xml technique in PtII.
>     Specifically, a Kepler-specific icon loader would be registered with
>     the MoMLParser using a static method (see previous email).  That
>     icon loader would populate each object that could have a *Icon.xml
>     file (does this currently include directors?) with a Kepler-specific
>     subclass of EditorIcon.  That subclass would access your existing
>     SVG data in whatever form it currently exists and provide the
>     rendering.
>     Edward
>     ------------
>     Edward A. Lee
>     Professor, Chair of the EE Division, Associate Chair of EECS
>     231 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-1770
>     phone: 510-642-0253 or 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2845
>     eal at eecs.Berkeley.EDU, http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/~eal  
> --------

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