[kepler-dev] _svgIcon and _thumbnailRasterIcon parameters

Matthew Brooke brooke at nceas.ucsb.edu
Wed Nov 30 15:39:22 PST 2005

Dan -

Yes, they are mine, and I am fully aware of the points you raise, but 
none of those things are at the top of my priority list yet - the code 
is still very much in flux, and the default for the SVG icons is such 
that they are currently turned off in cvs, so the "kepler-docs" path is 
not an issue, unless somebody specifically wants to see the new svg 
icons and turns them on, in which case they will need to make sure they 
have "kepler-docs" in the correct place.

When (if!) I get this stuff all working properly, it will be a 
relatively simple task to bundle the icons with the app and make their 
paths "classpath-relative", so they will always be found.

As for the edit-parameters dialog - yes - I also agree they should not 
necessarily show up there - it just that they do so by default, and I 
haven't had time to work out how to stop them showing up there. Any 
ideas how to stop them appearing (easily :-)??

Basically, Matt and I decided that I should develop this stuff in the 
head of CVS, but keep it "switched off" via the config file, instead of 
creating and maintaining a separate branch, hence the experimental 
nature of the code. I'm trying to keep the impacts as minimal as 
possible, but please bear with me on a few of these things - they'll get 
resolved as soon as i get chance



Dan Higgins wrote:
> Matthew,
>    I assume you are the one who added the _svgIcon and 
> _thumbnailRasterIcon parameters to all the actors. [If you 'Edit 
> parameters' these now show up in the dialog.] You seem to have set the 
> defaults to values like
> ../kepler-docs/dev/usability/graphics/svg/basic-actor.svg
> This assumes that the kepler-docs dir is always at the same level as 
> kepler (and that it exists!). But I can open a workflow anywhere and 
> that workflow becomes the current working directory. So this relative 
> path will not work in many cases! [In fact, it breaks several workflows 
> I am trying to run.]
> I would just as soon not see these parameters appear in every Edit 
> parameters dialog. What about making them only appear in the 'expert' 
> mode, rather than the standard mode (in addition to fixing this relative 
> path problem.)


Matthew Brooke, Ph.D.
Marine Sciences Research Building, Room #3407
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA  93106-6150
ph: (805) 893-7108   fx: 805-893-8062
brooke at nceas.ucsb.edu

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