David Blankman dblankman at lternet.edu
Fri Mar 28 08:06:16 PST 2003


EML is an xml-based standard, so any eml document is a text document.

In addition, the eml can be seen as both a sub and superset of FGDC, 
that is, there are elements in eml that are not in FGDC and elements of 
FGDC that are not part of eml. There are sections of eml that have been 
modeled on FGDC, however, some of the element names are different. 
However, EML has been strucutred so that where the elements overlap with 
FGDC, an EML file can be transfored into FGDC with a simple XSLT script.

The eml development group will be preparing XSLT scripts to go from EML 
to FGDC.

If you go to http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/software you will be able to 
get full technical specifications of EML.

David Blankman
EML Integration Developer
Longterm Ecological Research Network
University of New Mexico
801 University, SE #104
Albuquerque, NM 87106
hughes.melissa at epamail.epa.gov wrote:

>To Whom It May Concern:
>I'm a contractor working for the U.S. EPA as specified below.  I have
>been tasked to investigate the use of EML.  I have (hopefully) a simple
>question.  Can metadata in EML be exported as a text file or would
>filters have to be built to do this?
>Thank you for your assistance.
>Melissa M. Hughes
>Computer Sciences Corporation
>U.S. EPA - Atlantic Ecology Division
>27 Tarzwell Dr.
>Narragansett, RI 02882
>eml-dev mailing list
>eml-dev at ecoinformatics.org

David Blankman
EML Integration Developer
LTER Network Office
801 University, SE #104
Albuquerque, NM 87106
(505) 272-7346

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