[Roundtable] NCEAS Roundtable: Pia Otte

Mary Hunsicker hunsicker at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Jul 17 18:14:16 PDT 2014

Dear all,

Please join us for an NCEAS Roundtable this *Monday, July 21st * at 12:15
pm in the *basement auditorium of the Balboa Building*.

 Ms. Pia Otte
PhD Candidate
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

will present a seminar on:

 "Sunrise or sunset? -- A comparative study on the successful adoption of
solar cookers in the developing world"

Abstract: This study investigates the determining factors that lead to the
(not) successful adoption of institutional solar cookers. Qualitative
interviews were conducted with 24 institutions in four different countries
(Botswana, Burkina Faso, South Africa and India) that had a particular
type of solar cooker installed. A Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)
approach was employed to answer the question at hand. The analysis results
in four core variables, the presence of which leads to the successful
adoption of solar cookers. These are: (1) ‘High Compatibility with Schedule
of Daily Routine’, (2) ‘High Compatibility with Local Food
Characteristics’, (3) ‘High Levels of Economic Motivation’ and (4) ‘High
Levels of Environmental Motivation’. An interesting result is that
institutions that have successfully adopted solar cookers are religious
institutions. In these contexts, ‘High Compatibility with Local Food
and ‘High Levels of Environmental Motivation’ take on a different meaning
than that which
is assumed previously in the literature. The religious institutions that
successfully adopted
solar cookers show a very strong affinity for protecting nature as part of
their spiritual belief.
Furthermore, the condition ‘High Compatibility with Local Food
Characteristics’ took on
another spiritual meaning apart from the actual objective taste; it became
associated with
purity, one major principle of Hinduism.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Roundtable meetings are held in the NCEAS lounge at the National Center for
Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, 735 State Street, Suite 300 (Directions

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