[Info] November 2010 Events at NCEAS

Ginger Gillquist gillquist at nceas.ucsb.edu
Tue Oct 19 08:40:56 PDT 2010

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Events for 
November 2010

Current information also available on the internet at 

Current NCEAS Residents:

Postdoctoral Fellows: Carol Adair, Jennifer Balch, Julia Baum, Jarrett 
Byrnes, Liza Comita, Darren Johnson, Lesley Lancaster, Katie Longo, Mary 
O’Connor, Jennifer O’Leary, John Parker, Stephanie Pau, Simon 
Queenborough, Josephine Rodriguez, Sadie Ryan, Lindsay Scheef, Carly 
Strasser, Jennifer Williams

Sabbatical Fellows: Ruth Gates, Kay Gross, David Marsh, Gary Mittelbach, 
Max Moritz, Joshua Tewksbury

Center Associates: Sandy Andelman, Juliann Aukema, Nancy Baron, Amber 
Budden, Steven Courtney, Ben Halpern, Carrie Kappel, Jai Ranganathan, 
Kim Selkoe, Alisa Wade

Upcoming Working Group Projects, November 2010:
For information about a group project, please contact the Group Leader 

November 2-5, 2010
Title: Envisioning a sustainable global seafood market and restored 
marine ecosystems
Leader(s): Larry Crowder, Martin Smith
Email(s): lcrowder at duke.edu, marsmith at duke.edu
Participants: James Anderson, Molly Anderson, Frank Asche, Carrie 
Brownstein, Kristin Carden, Kristen Dubay, Gary Gereffi, Atle 
Guttormsen, Benjamin Halpern, Ahmed Khan, Dane Klinger, Lisa Liguori, 
Ethan Lucas, Aaron McNevin, Roz Naylor, Mary O'Connor, Cathy Roheim, 
Raphael Sagarin, Kimberly Selkoe, Geoffrey Shester, Dale Squires, Rashid 
Sumaila, Wilf Swartz, Mary Turnipseed, Peter Tyedmers

November 3-5, 2010
Title: Predicting grassland community responses to fertilization: 
Exploring the role of clonality and other species traits
Leader(s): Katherine Gross
Email(s): kgross at kbs.msu.edu
Participants: Elsa Cleland, Scott Collins, Laura Gough, Katharine Suding

November 4-8, 2010
Title: A synthesis of patterns, analyses, and mechanisms of 
beta-diversity along ecological gradients
Leader(s): Jonathan Chase, Nathan Sanders, Amy Freestone
Email(s): jchase at biology2.wustl.edu, nsanders at utk.edu, 
amy.freestone at temple.edu
Participants: Marti Anderson, Liza Comita, Howard Cornell, Thomas Crist, 
Kendi Davies, Susan Harrison, Brian Inouye, Nathan Kraft, Jonathan 
Myers, James Stegen, Nathan Swenson, Mark Vellend

November 8-12, 2010
Title: Applying population ecology to strategies for eradicating 
invasive forest insects
Leader(s): Andrew Liebhold, Deborah McCullough
Email(s): aliebhold at fs.fed.us, mccullo6 at msu.edu
Participants: Ludek Berec, Julie Blackwood, Rebecca Epanchin-Niell, 
Robert Haight, Alan Hastings, Dan Herms, John Kean, Danny Lee, Max 
Suckling, Patrick Tobin, Takehiko Yamanaka

November 9-13, 2010
Title: When are matrix models useful for management? An empirical test 
across plant populations
Leader(s): Elizabeth Crone, Eric Menges, Martha Ellis
Email(s): elizabeth.crone at umontana.edu, emenges at archbold-station.org, 
martha.ellis at umontana.edu
Participants: Timothy Bell, Paulette Bierzychudek, Johan Ehrlen, Tom 
Kaye, Tiffany Knight, Peter Lesica, William Morris, Gerard Oostermeijer, 
Pedro Quintana-Ascencio, Amanda Stanley, Tamara Ticktin, Teresa 
Valverde, Jennifer Williams

November 17-20, 2010
Title: Linking phylogenetic history, plant traits, and ecological 
processes at multiple scales
Leader(s): Jeannine Cavender-Bares, David Ackerly, J. Gordon Burleigh, 
Michelle Mack, Richard Ree, Peter Reich
Email(s): cavender at umn.edu, dackerly at berkeley.edu, jgb12 at duke.edu, 
mcmack at botany.ufl.edu, rree at fieldmuseum.org, preich at umn.edu
Participants: Jeremy Beaulieu, Brendan Bohannan, Jean Burns, Marc 
Cadotte, T. Jonathan Davies, Russell Dinnage, Erika Edwards, Nancy 
Emery, Paul Fine, Catherine Graham, Matthew Helmus, Steven Kembel, 
Kenneth Kozak, Juan Luis Parra, Pedro Peres-Neto, Jessica Savage, 
Stephen Smith, Sharon Strauss, Nathan Swenson, George Weiblen

November 17-22, 2010
Title: Global expansion of jellyfish blooms: Magnitude, causes and 
Leader(s): Robert Condon, William Graham, Carlos Duarte
Email(s): rcondon at disl.org, mgraham at disl.org, carlosduarte at ifisc.uib.es
Participants: Craig Carlson, Stefan Gelcich, Steven Haddock, Cathy 
Lucas, Larry Madin, Kylie Pitt, Kelly Robinson, Shin-ichi Uye, Paul del 

November 29-December 3, 2010
Title: Economic impacts of non-native forest pests and pathogens in 
North America (TNC)
Leader(s): Juliann Aukema
Email(s): aukema at nceas.ucsb.edu
Participants: Eckehard Brockerhoff, Joseph Cavey, Thomas Holmes, Kent 
Kovacs, Brian Leung, Andrew Liebhold, Frank Lowenstein, Amelia Nuding, 
Michael Springborn, James Turner

November 30-December 1, 2010
Title: Tropical coral reefs of the future: Modeling ecological outcomes 
from the analyses of current and historical trends
Leader(s): Peter J. Edmunds, Ruth Gates
Email(s): peter.edmunds at csun.edu, gates at nceas.ucsb.edu
Participants: Marissa Baskett, Nicholas S. Fabina, Kevin Gross, Lianne 
Jacobson, Robert van Woesik

Ginger Gillquist
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
735 State Street, Suite 300
Santa Barbara, Ca 93101-3351
Phone: 805-892-2502
FAX: 805-892-2510

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