[Info] November 2008 Events at NCEAS

Ginger Gillquist gillquist at nceas.ucsb.edu
Tue Oct 14 11:16:22 PDT 2008

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Events for 
November 2008

Current information also available on the internet at 

Current NCEAS Residents:

Postdoctoral Fellows:  Stefano Allesina, Jennifer Balch, Bernardo 
Broitman, Lauren Buckley, Amber Budden, Marc Cadotte, Jonathan Davies, 
Carrie Kappel, Francisco Madriñán, Carlos Melián, Duncan Menge, John 
Parker, Christine Petersen, Jai Ranganathan

Sabbatical Fellows:  Bill Fagan, David Vieglais, Kerry Woods

Center Associates:  John Alroy, Juliann Aukema, Nancy Baron, Ben 
Halpern, Kim Selkoe

Upcoming Working Group Projects, November 2008
For information about a group project, please contact the Group Leader 

November 3-7, 2008
Title:  Mechanistic distribution models: Energetics, fitness, and 
population dynamics
Leaders:  Lauren Buckley, Michael Angilletta, Robert Holt, Joshua Tewksbury
Emails:  buckley at nceas.ucsb.edu, mangilletta at indstate.edu, 
rdholt at zoo.ufl.edu, tewksjj at u.washington.edu
Participants:  Amy Angert, Brandon Cooper, Lisa Crozier, George 
Gilchrist, Sarah Gilman, Timothy Keitt, Joel Kingsolver, Warren Porter, 
Leslie Rissler, Michael Sears, Mark Urban

November 6-7, 2008
Title:  Valuation of marine ecosystem services
Leader:  Erica Fleishman
Email:  fleishman at nceas.ucsb.edu
Participants:  Christine Blackburn, Drew Bohan, Roelof Boumans, Kevin 
Boyle, Steve Colt, Meghan Ellis, Gillian Kerr, Gunnar Knapp, Ricardo 
Lopez, Tim O'Higgins, Hans Radtke, Nejem Raheem, Murray Rudd, David 
Stoms, Paula Swedeen, John Talberth, Chuck Willer

November 10-13, 2008
Title:  Integrated history and future of people on Earth (IHOPE): 
Building a community data base and testing the resilience - 
sustainability hypothesis across scales
Leaders:  Robert Costanza, Lisa Graumlich, Sander van der Leeuw
Emails:  robert.costanza at uvm.edu, lisag at cals.arizona.edu, vanderle at asu.edu
Participants:  Steve Aulenbach, Michael Burek, Sarah Cornell, Carole 
Crumley, John Dearing, Catherine Downy, Carl Folke, Michelle Hegmon, 
Kathy Hibbard, Stephen Jackson, Ida Kubiszewski, Rik Leemans, Charles 
Redman, Paul Sinclair, Sverker Sorlin, Will Steffen,

November 10-14, 2008
Title:  Evaluation of declines of pelagic organisms in the upper San 
Francisco Estuary
Leader:  Erica Fleishman
Email:  fleishman at nceas.ucsb.edu
Participants:  Randy Baxter, Rich Breuer, Larry Brown, Mike Chotkowski, 
Fred Feyrer, Bruce Herbold, Peter Hrodey, Brenda Johnson, Karen Larsen, 
Sam Luoma, Anke Mueller-Solger, Matthew Nobriga, Daniel Schlenk, Ted 
Sommer, Kelly Souza

November 15-19, 2008
Title:  Making decisions on complex environmental problems
Leaders:  Helen Regan, Sahotra Sarkar
Emails:  helen.regan at ucr.edu, sarkar at mail.utexas.edu
Participants:  Mark Burgman, Mark Colyvan, Martin Drechsler, James Dyer, 
James Justus, Lynn Maguire, Christopher Margules, Tara Martin, Kristina 

November 19-21, 2008
Title:  Exploring compensatory mitigation and markets as mechanisms for 
resolving fisheries bycatch: Biodiversity conservation conflicts
Leaders:  Chris Wilcox, C. Josh Donlan
Emails:  chris.wilcox at csiro.au, cjd34 at cornell.edu
Participants:  Vanessa Adams, Peter Baxter, Larry Crowder, Richard 
Cudney, Kristen Fletcher, Jennifer Lavers, James Mandel, Sean Pascoe, 
Hoyt Peckham, Oliver Pergams, Drew Tulchin, Mary Turnipseed, Dana Wingfield

Ginger Gillquist
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
735 State Street, Suite 300
Santa Barbara, Ca 93101-3351
Phone: 805-892-2502
FAX: 805-892-2510

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