[Info] March 2008 Events at NCEAS

Ginger Gillquist gillquist at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Feb 21 08:41:05 PST 2008

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Events for March 2008

Current information also available on the internet at 

Current NCEAS Residents: Postdoctoral Fellows: Stefano Allesina, Marissa 
Baskett, Bernardo Broitman, Lauren Buckley, Amber Budden, Marc Cadotte, 
Elsa Cleland, Jonathan Davies, Kevin Drury, Allen Hurlbert, Carrie 
Kappel, Brad McRae, Carlos Melian, Thomas L. O'Halloran, Jai 
Ranganathan, Jennifer Smith, Patrick Stephens, Mark Urban

Sabbatical Fellows: David Atkinson, Rowan Lockwood, Kimberly Schulz, 
John Swaddle, David Tilman, David Vieglais, Jacob Weiner

Center Associates: John Alroy, Juliann Aukema, Nancy Baron, Kim Selkoe

Upcoming Working Group Projects, March 2008
For information about a group project, please contact the Group Leader 

March 3-8, 2008
Title: Parasites and food webs – the ultimate missing links
Leader: Kevin Lafferty, Andrew P. Dobson, Mercedes Pascual
Email: lafferty at lifesci.lscf.ucsb.edu, andy at eno.princeton.edu, 
pascual at umich.edu
Participants: Cherie Briggs, Jennifer Dunne, Ryan Hechinger, Pieter 
Johnson, David J. Marcogliese, Neo Martinez, John McLaughlin, Jane Memmott

March 5-6, 2008
Title: Science Advisory Board
Leader: Beverly Rathcke
Email: brathcke at umich.edu
Participants: Hector T. Arita, Jill Baron, James Bever, Robert F. Denno, 
Bryan Grenfell, Sally Hacker, Stephanie E. Hampton, Kyle Harms, Alan 
Hastings, Bruce Hungate, Stephen Jackson, Bruce E. Kendall, Phillip 
Levin, Jennifer Hughes Martiny, William F. Morris, William W. Murdoch, 
Catherine A. Pfister, M. Rebecca Shaw, Jennifer Tank, Peter Thrall

March 5-12, 2008
Title: Exploring compensatory mitigation and markets as mechanisms for 
resolving fisheries bycatch: Biodiversity conservation conflicts
Leader: Chris Wilcox, C. Josh Donlan
Email: chris.wilcox at csiro.au, cjd34 at cornell.edu
Participants: Stacey Buckelew, Larry B. Crowder, Richard Cudney-Bueno, 
Kristen Fletcher , Alistair Graham, Jennifer Lavers, James Mandel, 
Edward Melvin, Sean Pascoe, Hoyt Peckham, Oliver R.W. Pergams, Rafe 
Sagarin, Manuel R Sequeiros, Joe Sullivan, Mary Turnipseed, Dana Wingfield

March 6-7, 2008
Title: Evolutionary and plastic responses of Pacific salmon to climate 
Leader: Robin Waples, Daniel E. Schindler
Email: robin.waples at noaa.gov, deschind at u.washington.edu
Participants: Xan Augerot, Omar I. Aziz, Timothy Beechie, Louis 
Bernatchez, Dan Bottom, Lisa Crozier, Erica Fleishman, Richard 
Gomulkiewicz, Stan Gregory, Jeff Hard, Jeffrey A. Hutchings, John 
Kimball, Michael T. Kinnison, Peter W. Lawson, Marc Mangel, Nathan 
Mantua, Kate Myers, Tom Quinn, Pete Rand, Tom Reed, Lauren Rogers, Mary 
Ruckelshaus, Mark Scheuerell, James Seeb, Michael Webster, Huan Wu

March 10-11, 2008
Title: Monitoring responses of Pacific salmon to climate change
Leader: Randall Peterman
Email: peterman at sfu.ca
Participants: Pete Adams, Doug Drake, Erica Fleishman, Kendra Holt, 
Chris Jordan, David P. Larsen, Steve Leider, Anthony Olsen, Chuck 
Parken, Jeffrey Rodgers, Carl Schwarz, James Seeb, Michael Webster

March 10-14, 2008
Title: Genetic monitoring: Development of tools for conservation and 
Leader: Fred W. Allendorf, Michael K. Schwartz
Email: fred.allendorf at umontana.edu, mkschwartz at fs.fed.us
Participants: C. Scott Baker, Michael M Hansen, Katherine C. Kendall, 
Linda Laikre, Kevin S. McKelvey, Brad McRae, Maile Neel, Isabelle 
Olivieri, Nils Ryman, Ruth Shortbull, Jeffrey Stetz, David Tallmon, 
Barbara Taylor, Christina Vojta, Donald M. Waller, Robin Waples

March 13-14, 2008
Title: Toward an adequate quantification of CH4 emissions from land 
ecosystems: Integrating field and in-situ observations, satellite data, 
and modeling
Leader: Qianlai Zhuang, Jerry M. Melillo, A. David McGuire
Email: qzhuang at purdue.edu, jmelillo at mbl.edu, ffadm at uaf.edu
Participants: Christopher Butenhoff, Patrick Crill, Ed Dlugokencky, Marc 
Fischer, Steve Frolking, Sander Houweling, Michael Keller, Aslam Khalil, 
Elaine Matthews, John M. Melack, Chris Potter, William S Reeburgh, Qian 
Tan, Jinyun Tang, Zoë Wallage, Katey Walter, Jeffrey R. White, Kimberly 
Wickland, Xiaozhen Xiong, Sergei Zimov

March 24-26, 2008
Title: Ranking and mapping human threats and impacts to marine 
ecosystems in the California current
Leader: Ben Halpern
Email: halpern at nceas.ucsb.edu
Participants: Caitlin Crain, Colin Ebert, Carrie Kappel, Caitlin 
Kontgis, Rebecca Martone, Fiorenza Micheli, Kimberly A. Selkoe, 
Christine Shearer, Sarah J. Teck

March 27-31, 2008
Title: Ushering in a new era of functional ecology: Dynamics in a 
changing environment
Leader: Elsa Cleland
Email: cleland at nceas.ucsb.edu

Ginger Gillquist
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
735 State Street, Suite 300
Santa Barbara, Ca 93101-3351
Phone: 805-892-2502
FAX: 805-892-2510

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