Hi all kepler users, I am trying to do a loop in a loop, something like a for loop in a for loop. The task is as follow :<br><br>1.) So what I did was I setup a sdf director and set the iteration to 1, then create a composite actor and put a sdf director in it and set the iteration to 10. I was hoping that it would be for 1 iteration outside, the composite actor will do the action 10 times inside, thus creating a looop within a loop. However it did not work.<br>
<br>2.) I went on to try to do a repeat actor, it worked, as I am using random() to produce 10 different random number. The repeat gives me 10 same number. Thus its not good enough. <br><br>Tried to find examples on this issue but did not manage to find it. Cause I read about the opaque composite actor and I thought the 1.) should have worked. <br>
<br>Thanks <br>ckw<br>