When trying to set up a soap URL like:<br><a href="http://www.ebi.ac.uk/soaplab/typed/services/edit.seqret?wsdl">http://www.ebi.ac.uk/soaplab/typed/services/edit.seqret?wsdl</a><br><br>to a soaplab actor I get errors about the wsdl service not being reachable. No problem with reaching these URLs in a browser. Does Kepler pass these web-service queries through port 80? I tried using a web proxy (and setting that in kepler.sh) but it didn't help matters. <br>
<br>Get a bunch of these errors on startup in the log:<br>05 Mar 2010 17:41:11,561 [thread: pool-1-thread-1] ERROR - org.ecoinformatics.seek.ecogrid.EcoGridServicesController - could not add service:The service type is invalid or null: KeplerSlaveNode. Couldn't be added to list<br>
<br>Nothing seems to be logged as a result of the four dialogues that come up in succession when I try to add the wsdl. It just asks me to confirm the URL and fails. <br><br>OS os Macintosh 10.6.2. Native java is 1.6.0_17 (not 1.5)...not so sure if that could be the problem, everything else I've tinkered with in Kepler seemingly works fine. <br>
<br>Thanks for any thoughts,<br>Eric<br>