[kepler-users] Kepler/Java/Jython Eclipse IDE setup and Java 1.6...

Christopher Brooks cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Oct 4 15:34:56 PDT 2011

Hi Marc,

Good questions . . .

On 10/4/11 3:15 PM, J. Marc Edwards wrote:
> Can I now use Java 1.6 when setting up the Eclipse IDE and the latest 
> Kepler development tree?
Yes, I'm fairly certain Java 1.6 can be used.
I'll update
> This may be a stupid question, but also what version of Jython/Python 
> is supported in the Kepler JVM?
Actually, not that stupid a question.

I'm fairly certain Kepler uses Jython 2.2. or Jython 2.2.1
Kepler-2.2 has
that file is almost the same size as the jython.jar file used in the Kepler
development version at

I unjar'd and diffed the two and it seems like the have the same .class 

The changelog for ./ptolemy/src/lib/jython.jar is below:

> r60529 | cxh | 2011-03-10 13:14:39 -0800 (Thu, 10 Mar 2011) | 1 line
> Revert to jython (presumably) 2.2 because jython2.5.8 does not have 
> org.python.core.PyJavaInstance
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> r60525 | cxh | 2011-03-10 07:22:55 -0800 (Thu, 10 Mar 2011) | 1 line
> Updated to jython 2.5.2
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> r48715 | cxh | 2008-03-12 16:18:19 -0700 (Wed, 12 Mar 2008) | 2 lines
> Updated jython.jar to a standalone version so that the javaos Jython 
> package could be found.  See 
> ptolemy/actor/lib/python/test/auto/PythonReadFile.xml
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> r48497 | cxh | 2008-02-18 16:16:18 -0800 (Mon, 18 Feb 2008) | 2 lines
> Updated to Jython 2.2.1
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> r46882 | cxh | 2007-09-17 08:08:28 -0700 (Mon, 17 Sep 2007) | 2 lines
> Updated to Jython 2.2
> I'm assuming that as I set up my Eclipse/Kepler IDE then I will also 
> code and debug my Jython for the Python actor and Java Swing code, 
> right?  Anyone else doing this?
I have not tried to debug Jython code from within Kepler, but it should 
be doable.
You should be able to set breakpoints in the Jython code.  I suggest 
getting the Jython 2.2.1
source code as well.

Also, try searching the kepler-users group for Jython, you might find 
some interesting information.


> Thanks, Marc
> -- 
> J. Marc Edwards
> Lead Architect - Semiconductor Design Portals
> Nimbis Services, Inc.
> Skype: (919) 747-3775
> Cell:  (919) 345-1021
> Fax:   (919) 882-8602
> marc.edwards at nimbisservices.com
> www.nimbisservices.com
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Christopher Brooks, PMP                       University of California
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