[kepler-users] Provanance module in custom suite

Derik Barseghian barseghian at nceas.ucsb.edu
Fri Jan 28 13:13:25 PST 2011

Whoops, that third system out should instead be:
System.out.println("Error module.getName() == null");

On Jan 28, 2011, at 12:50 PM, Derik Barseghian wrote:

> Hi Madhavi,
> I'm not sure what's causing this problem, David may have a better idea.
> Ordering is important when using the Module Manager, when you tried to use provenance with your module, provenance should be beneath your module in the Selected Modules list. Was this the case?
> You might also look at the workflow-run-manager-2.1 module, which sits on top of the provenance module to see what kind of differences there are between it and your suite. 
> To see what exactly is causing the NPE, you could replace the ConfigurationManager.getProperties(Module module) method with this, and again try to use your suite to get the error.
>  public List<ConfigurationProperty> getProperties(Module module)
>  {
>    //System.out.println("getting properties for module " + module.getName());
>    Vector<ConfigurationProperty> v = new Vector<ConfigurationProperty>();
>    for (int i = 0; i < propertyList.size(); i++)
>    {
>      ConfigurationProperty prop = propertyList.get(i);
>      if (prop.getModule() == null){
>    	  System.out.println("Error prop.getModule() == null");
>      }
>      else if (prop.getModule().getName() == null){
>    	  System.out.println("Error prop.getModule().getName() == null");
>      }
>      if (module.getName() == null){
>    	  System.out.println("Error prop.getModule().getName() == null");
>      }
>      if (prop.getModule().getName().equals(module.getName()))
>      {
>        v.add(prop);
>      }
>    }
>    return v;
>  }
> Derik
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 12:54 AM, Madhavi Tikhe wrote:
>> Yes this was the entire stack trace on my eclipse console. I am trying to run the Kelper from the checkout from svn using Kepler 2.1.
>> I was able to restart the Kelper, after changing the suite to a different one using ant script, the suite which does not have provenance suite in it.
>> I would still like to run my own suite under provenance.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Derik Barseghian [mailto:barseghian at nceas.ucsb.edu]
>> Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 2:07 AM
>> To: Madhavi Tikhe
>> Cc: kepler-users at kepler-project.org
>> Subject: Re: [kepler-users] Provanance module in custom suite
>> Hi Madhavi,
>> Is that the entire stack trace, and if not can you provide it?
>> Are you trying this from an installed Kepler (2.0 or 2.1?), or from a kepler checkout from svn?
>> The module manager doesn't check if the ad-hoc suite you create by placing suites and modules into the Selected Modules list is valid, so it is possible to run into errors on restart. Are you now unable to restart Kepler? I believe David is or was working on making the module manager able to start up stand-alone so that a user is able to fix situations like this, and get kepler to start up again. One fix is to manually edit the build-area/modules.txt file to remove the provenance suite.
>> Derik
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 4:12 AM, Madhavi Tikhe wrote:
>>> I have created a new suite and running Kepler using it. Now I want to add provenance module to it. I am able to add it using  Module Manager. Kepler doesn't complain while adding this module. But then it is not possible to restart Kelper with this new suite + provenance  Module. It throws exception while start-up.
>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>     at org.kepler.configuration.ConfigurationManager.getProperties(ConfigurationManager.java:179)
>>>     at org.kepler.configuration.ConfigurationManager.getProperty(ConfigurationManager.java:271)
>>>     at org.kepler.configuration.ConfigurationManager.getProperty(ConfigurationManager.java:259)
>>>     at org.kepler.modulemanager.RepositoryLocations.initReleaseLocation(RepositoryLocations.java:24)
>>>     at org.kepler.modulemanager.RepositoryLocations.getReleaseLocation(RepositoryLocations.java:18)
>>>     at org.kepler.Kepler.main(Kepler.java:90)
>>> Has anybody experienced this before?
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