[kepler-users] Reporting Designer view in last Kepler version

Derik Barseghian barseghian at nceas.ucsb.edu
Mon Mar 15 14:25:53 PDT 2010

Hi Josep,

As a stopgap I'll implement the automatic writing of these run KARs to  
disk in KeplerData/ for you in trunk (not 2.0), it shouldn't be too  


On Mar 15, 2010, at 2:00 PM, Derik Barseghian wrote:

> I believe how it works right now is that if you're not uploading to  
> the repository, no KAR is generated. Reporting artifacts are  
> serialized to disk, but as temporary files that get deleted on exit  
> (this is easily changed by removing deleteOnExit calls in  
> ReportingListener writeFiles()).
> If you are uploading to a repository, in addition to the temporary  
> reporting artifacts, a temporary KAR is generated that is uploaded,  
> and then also deleted on exit.
> I agree with Chad's email in the other thread that we should expand  
> command line control capabilities, and that it should be up to the  
> user if and where they want to serialize their results. And we  
> should definitely allow the generation of resultant KARs to disk  
> without upload. Chad's entered an enhancement request that we can  
> work on:
> http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4883
> Derik
> On Mar 15, 2010, at 11:52 AM, Josep Morer Muñoz wrote:
>> I agree with you Matt. In my case, it will be enough if I can get  
>> the run KAR and store it in the filesystem.
>> Is there any way to get the run KAR without the GUI? As I  
>> understand it is not implemented yet.
>> Thanks
>> On 15 March 2010 19:28, Matt Jones <jones at nceas.ucsb.edu> wrote:
>> Seems to me that it should go in KeplerData, under whichever local  
>> file system repository has been configured for KAR outputs.  I had  
>> been under the impression  that this was already the case, but  
>> maybe I'm mistaken.  Aaron or Derik can probably clarify.
>> Matt
>> 2010/3/15 ben leinfelder <leinfelder at nceas.ucsb.edu>
>> Josep,
>> You raise a good point - when running from the command line script,  
>> the "products" of the KAR execution are not made available - at  
>> least not in a direct way. We've been building the command line  
>> feature so that the results of the KAR/workflow run (i.e. the  
>> report) would be packaged in a "run KAR" along with the workflow  
>> and report layout and that KAR would be uploaded to a remote  
>> repository along with some metadata that described the content of  
>> the run KAR.
>> In your case, you just want the run KAR to be available on your  
>> local filesystem.
>> Do you have suggestions as to where the run KAR should be placed  
>> once execution has wrapped up and the KAR is built?
>> -ben
>> On Mar 15, 2010, at 10:58 AM, Josep Morer Muñoz wrote:
>> Thanks Ben.
>> I have been switched to wrp suite and it seems it works. Now, using  
>> the workflow run manager, I can save the KAR which contains a PDF  
>> that is generated using the run selected.
>> However, I would like to generate this PDF for every run that is  
>> executed using "kepler.sh workflow.kar -runwf -nogui". When I save  
>> a KAR, it only contains the workflow and the report layout. If I  
>> execute it, neither the workflow run XML nor the PDF file, appeared  
>> in the KAR. When are they generated? I am trying to automatize all  
>> the process using the command line execution and extract the PDF  
>> from the KAR (or whatever place is generated).
>> Thanks for your help
>> 2010/3/15 ben leinfelder <leinfelder at nceas.ucsb.edu>
>> Josep -
>> Please use the 'wrp' suite instead of the 'reporting' module.
>> Thanks,
>> -ben
>> On Mar 13, 2010, at 3:53 AM, Josep Morer Muñoz wrote:
>> I have updated kepler using "ant update" and I have noticed that  
>> reporting designer view has disappeared. It has been moved into  
>> another module or something similar?
>> I have downloaded all project another time using this following  
>> commads:
>> mkdir KeplerLast
>> cd KeplerLast
>> svn co https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/trunk/modules/build-area
>> cd build-area
>> ant change-to -Dsuite=reporting
>> Now, it seems that when I execute kepler.sh, the reporting module  
>> is initialized but no reporting designer view appears in the GUI.
>> urops at urops-laptop:~/KeplerLast$ ./kepler.sh
>>   [null] /home/urops/KeplerLast
>>   [null] Found OS Extension file: /home/urops/KeplerLast/apple- 
>> extensions/module-info/osextension.txt
>>   [null] Building Kars...
>>   [null] Ran additional initialization for module gui from class  
>> org.kepler.module.gui.Initialize
>>   [null] Ran additional initialization for module tagging from  
>> class org.kepler.module.tagging.Initialize
>>   [null] Ran additional initialization for module provenance from  
>> class org.kepler.module.provenance.Initialize
>>   [null] common tabpane configuration overridden by reporting
>>   [null] Ran additional initialization for module reporting from  
>> class org.kepler.module.reporting.Initialize
>>   [null] /usr/share/themes/Human/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:51: error: lexical  
>> error or unexpected token, expected valid token
>>   [null] Kepler Initializing...
>>   [null] *** Attempting to get ResourceBundle for SVG defaults ***
>>   [null] *** svgRenderingMethod = SVG_BATIK_RENDERING ***
>> I am probably missing something... Could you help me?
>> -- 
>> Josep
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>> -- 
>> Josep
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>> -- 
>> Josep
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> ----------
> Derik Barseghian
> http://nceas.ucsb.edu/ecoinfo | office: 805-893-5127
> Rm 3411, Marine Science Research Building, UCSB
> Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-6150
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