[kepler-users] Reporting Designer view in last Kepler version

ben leinfelder leinfelder at nceas.ucsb.edu
Mon Mar 15 11:20:09 PDT 2010

You raise a good point - when running from the command line script,  
the "products" of the KAR execution are not made available - at least  
not in a direct way. We've been building the command line feature so  
that the results of the KAR/workflow run (i.e. the report) would be  
packaged in a "run KAR" along with the workflow and report layout and  
that KAR would be uploaded to a remote repository along with some  
metadata that described the content of the run KAR.
In your case, you just want the run KAR to be available on your local  
Do you have suggestions as to where the run KAR should be placed once  
execution has wrapped up and the KAR is built?

On Mar 15, 2010, at 10:58 AM, Josep Morer Muñoz wrote:

> Thanks Ben.
> I have been switched to wrp suite and it seems it works. Now, using  
> the workflow run manager, I can save the KAR which contains a PDF  
> that is generated using the run selected.
> However, I would like to generate this PDF for every run that is  
> executed using "kepler.sh workflow.kar -runwf -nogui". When I save a  
> KAR, it only contains the workflow and the report layout. If I  
> execute it, neither the workflow run XML nor the PDF file, appeared  
> in the KAR. When are they generated? I am trying to automatize all  
> the process using the command line execution and extract the PDF  
> from the KAR (or whatever place is generated).
> Thanks for your help
> 2010/3/15 ben leinfelder <leinfelder at nceas.ucsb.edu>
> Josep -
> Please use the 'wrp' suite instead of the 'reporting' module.
> Thanks,
> -ben
> On Mar 13, 2010, at 3:53 AM, Josep Morer Muñoz wrote:
> I have updated kepler using "ant update" and I have noticed that  
> reporting designer view has disappeared. It has been moved into  
> another module or something similar?
> I have downloaded all project another time using this following  
> commads:
> mkdir KeplerLast
> cd KeplerLast
> svn co https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/trunk/modules/build-area
> cd build-area
> ant change-to -Dsuite=reporting
> Now, it seems that when I execute kepler.sh, the reporting module is  
> initialized but no reporting designer view appears in the GUI.
> urops at urops-laptop:~/KeplerLast$ ./kepler.sh
>     [null] /home/urops/KeplerLast
>     [null] Found OS Extension file: /home/urops/KeplerLast/apple- 
> extensions/module-info/osextension.txt
>     [null] Building Kars...
>     [null] Ran additional initialization for module gui from class  
> org.kepler.module.gui.Initialize
>     [null] Ran additional initialization for module tagging from  
> class org.kepler.module.tagging.Initialize
>     [null] Ran additional initialization for module provenance from  
> class org.kepler.module.provenance.Initialize
>     [null] common tabpane configuration overridden by reporting
>     [null] Ran additional initialization for module reporting from  
> class org.kepler.module.reporting.Initialize
>     [null] /usr/share/themes/Human/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:51: error: lexical  
> error or unexpected token, expected valid token
>     [null] Kepler Initializing...
>     [null] *** Attempting to get ResourceBundle for SVG defaults ***
>     [null] *** svgRenderingMethod = SVG_BATIK_RENDERING ***
> I am probably missing something... Could you help me?
> -- 
> Josep
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> -- 
> Josep

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