[kepler-users] version of jena used in common module

ben leinfelder leinfelder at nceas.ucsb.edu
Fri Mar 12 09:16:40 PST 2010

You're modifying Jena code or code that uses Jena?
Just drop some new Jars in and see what happens - you'll know soon  
enough if the new Jena jars require you to refactor any code that uses  

On Mar 12, 2010, at 8:30 AM, Chris Weed wrote:

> I would be perfectly happy leaving the jena jar alone, but I don't
> know where to find the version number or documentation for that code,
> which prevents me from updating it.
> It looks like the code in the snapshot I have only has about 20 lines
> of code that depend on that jar.
> However, I suspect that this code has been changed significantly since
> my snapshot.
> I plan to update locally the code I need, and I can probably send it
> to you if you would like to roll it into your code base.
> Chris
> On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 5:01 PM, ben leinfelder
> <leinfelder at nceas.ucsb.edu> wrote:
>> Chris -
>> Sean Riddle has been working quite a bit with the sms/tagging  
>> modules that
>> use semantics and ontologies - he's probably the best person to  
>> discuss this
>> with. But I'm all in favor of upgrading ontology-handling libraries  
>> whenever
>> possible since it's such a rapidly evolving area. Since the sms  
>> module is
>> part of the kepler suite, we do need to cautious about what side- 
>> effects can
>> occur even if everything looks to be forward compatible and  
>> compiles without
>> error.
>> If you are developing your own ontology-enabled module, you can  
>> certainly
>> include newer jars that will override the older ones.
>> -ben
>> On Mar 10, 2010, at 1:53 PM, Chris Weed wrote:
>>> Yea, I think it's ancient. I was hoping to update this code to
>>> correctly pull in imported ontologies.
>>> Chris
>>> On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 4:47 PM, ben leinfelder
>>> <leinfelder at nceas.ucsb.edu> wrote:
>>>> My guess is it's of the same era as the rdf-api jar in that same
>>>> directory:
>>>> /common/lib/jar/sms/rdf-api-2001-01-19.jar
>>>> Assuming that's actually a date stamp in the name.
>>>> -ben
>>>> On Mar 10, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Chris Weed wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I was wondering what version is jena.jar in the common module  
>>>>> used for
>>>>> the ontology code.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Chris
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