[kepler-users] Provenance viewer

madhu madhu at sdsc.edu
Mon Feb 8 09:10:35 PST 2010

Hi Moses,

  It is probably not finding the file created by dot program. There are few things to check

  1) Is the variable  dot.tmpdirectory=//tmp defined in the provenance properties  set correctly?
      This is the place where dot creates temporary file. In addition, can you please check what files are created in that folder
      when you launch the provenance-browser application?

  2) There is a logs folder under tomcat installation directory, which contains a file 'catalina.out'. Please open the file and go to the end of it and
   search for a string 'IMAGE MAP LOCATION'.  Can you please tell me what is printed next to it?

  For an example in my case I see it as 
     IMAGE MAP LOCATION: /tmp/graph_6818224380574045926.png

   Please let me know what you see for point 1 & 2.


From: Moses Gone [algone at googlemail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 3:35 PM
To: madhu
Subject: Re: Provenance viewer

Dear Madhu,
First of all...thanks alot for the help. In deed when I added the hsqldb to the lib directory....the issue of driver dissapeared. But now I have a new problem...I cant view the graph. When i click on the link :View provenance graph , I get the following error:

description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.



I have no idea why this is occurring ....any hint?


On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 5:38 PM, madhu <madhu at sdsc.edu<mailto:madhu at sdsc.edu>> wrote:
Hi Moses,

 I can see one of the problem. Please stop the tomcat and copy the HSQL driver to the webapps/camera-provenance-viewer/WEB-INF/lib folder and restart the tomcat. With that change, atleast viewer should be able to find the driver. Please go ahead and give t a try.

From: Moses Gone [algone at googlemail.com<mailto:algone at googlemail.com>]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 2:50 AM
To: madhu
Subject: Re: Provenance viewer

Thank  you so much for the help, I have installed provenance viewer. I also changed the provenance.properties file.


I have a local hsql db that comes with Kepler with above details. I tried connecting to it but I got the error that the driver could not be found. I am still trying to check why thats the case even though I have a running instance of hsql db.

Kind regards

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 12:23 AM, madhu <madhu at sdsc.edu<mailto:madhu at sdsc.edu><mailto:madhu at sdsc.edu<mailto:madhu at sdsc.edu>>> wrote:
Hi Moses,

 I am attaching the provenance viewer war file with this mail. Please go ahead and put it in tomcat webapps folder and restart the tomcat.  Then shut down the tomcat and go the webapps/camera-provenance-viewer/WEB-INF/classed folder and open the provenance.properties file. Supply the information for your database. Then restart the tomcat again.

 I have tried the provenance viewer only in context of CAMERA project with Oracle database. In principle, it should work with any database, but I have not tried with any other database yet. Go ahead and give it a try.


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