[kepler-users] Bug with saving actors to library

Tomasz Żok tzok at man.poznan.pl
Mon Feb 1 06:24:54 PST 2010


I've just discovered a bug with actor exporting. The process of saving an 
actor to library does not export connections between relations. Everything 
else is saved correctly (eg. port <-> relation, constant <-> relation), but 
relation <-> relation is not exported

To reproduce:
1. Create a composite actor
2. Inside it, create two relations (control+click)
3. Connect them and save this actor in the library
4. The connection between relations was not saved. When you put the actor from 
library, it is missing.

I have tested in on Kepler 1.0.0 and on the HEAD update from svn repository

In the attachment there is a workflow with only one such composite actor, 
containing only connection between relations. Please try to save this actor in 
the library and reuse it from there to observe the incorrect behaviour.

Best regards,

Tomasz Zok
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
ul. Noskowskiego 10, 61-704 Poznan, POLAND
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