[kepler-users] do we have this type of string splitter actor

Tomasz Żok tzok at man.poznan.pl
Sun Aug 29 23:33:23 PDT 2010


Ming Wu <wuming at gmail.com>:
> Do we have an actor, which input is a list of file names, and this
> actor output the file name in the list one by one, instead of an array
> of file names.

You can use String Splitter and Array to Sequence actors. These two  
combined will do what you need.

Please use at least DDF director (at least DDF == not SDF) and in the  
Array to Sequence actor, please uncheck the enforceArrayLength checkbox.  
Then you will be able to have any number of entries in the list of file  


Tomasz Zok
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
ul. Noskowskiego 10, 61-704 Poznan, POLAND

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