[kepler-users] Problem when building windows installer

Josep Morer Muñoz josep.morer at gmail.com
Mon Apr 26 11:03:17 PDT 2010

Hi all,

I am having problems trying to build the windows installer for the current
kepler version. I have build linux one without problems but for windows
installer I get this error:

urops at urops-laptop:~/KeplerClean/build-area$ ant build-windows-installer
Buildfile: build.xml

     [echo] Kepler Release Name: Kepler-2.0-RC1

  [compile] Compiling configuration-manager...
  [compile] Compiling module-manager...
  [compile] Compiling core...
  [compile] Compiling event-state...
  [compile] Compiling util...
  [compile] Compiling component-library...
  [compile] Compiling sms...
  [compile] Compiling data-handling...
  [compile] Compiling ssh...
  [compile] Compiling io...
  [compile] Compiling job...
  [compile] Compiling repository...
  [compile] Compiling authentication...
  [compile] Compiling gui...
  [compile] Compiling module-manager-gui...
  [compile] Compiling authentication-gui...
  [compile] Compiling ecogrid...
  [compile] Compiling dataturbine...
  [compile] Compiling opendap...
  [compile] Compiling actors...
  [compile] Compiling loader...
  [compile] Compiling r...
  [compile] adding compilation exclude: class
org.kepler.osx.KeplerApplicationListener will only be compiled on  Mac OS X
  [compile] adding compilation exclude: class
org.kepler.osx.KeplerOSXExtension will only be compiled on  Mac OS X
  [compile] Compiling apple-extensions...
  [compile] Compiling tagging...
  [compile] Compiling provenance...
  [compile] Compiling reporting...
  [compile] Compiling workflow-run-manager...
  [compile] Compiling wrp...

[startup-script] Script written to /home/urops/KeplerClean/kepler.bat


/home/urops/KeplerClean/build-area/build.xml:350: The following error
occurred while executing this line:
/home/urops/KeplerClean/build-area/build.xml:416: Problem: failed to create
task or type launch4j
Cause: the class net.sf.launch4j.ant.Launch4jTask was not found.
Action: Check that the component has been correctly declared
        and that the implementing JAR is in one of:
        -a directory added on the command line with the -lib argument

Do not panic, this is a common problem.
It may just be a typographical error in the build file or the task/type
The commonest cause is a missing JAR.
This is not a bug; it is a configuration problem*

What's the solution? Have I modify the build.xml file?


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