[kepler-users] Sequence to Record

Chris.Peters at csiro.au Chris.Peters at csiro.au
Mon Sep 7 17:03:37 PDT 2009


I running an SDF workflow with an ArrayToSequence actor; after processing the sequence I want to re-integrate and feed into an R actor.

I'm having trouble doing this as an array of arrays is not handled by the R actor. Eg {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}.

If I could turn the sequence into a "record" then the R actor would recognise this as a dataframe - which is great for me.

I've tried modifying the SequenceToArray actor to go to a record, but this errors due to type mis-match on the ports.  Eg {v1={1,2,3},v2={4,5,6} ....}

Any suggestions on how to do this would be appreciated? (note: I'd trying to avoid writing/reading to/from a file in the file-system)


        Chris Peters
        Software Engineer - Tasmanian ICT Centre
        The Tasmanian ICT Centre is jointly funded by the Australian Government through the Intelligent Island Program and CSIRO.
        The Intelligent Island Program is administered by the Tasmanian Department of Economic Development and Tourism.
        GPO Box 1538, Hobart, TAS 7001
        Castray Esplanade, Hobart, Tasmania
        T: 03 6232 5432,  F: 03 6232 5050, M: 0420340580


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