[kepler-users] semantic actor suggestion

Aaron Schultz aschultz at nceas.ucsb.edu
Fri Jul 10 08:46:31 PDT 2009

It should query the user if no sem types are found.  However it is no  
longer required to add sem types before saving since the ability to  
display non sem typed objs in the library now exists (folders).


On Jul 10, 2009, at 8:35 AM, Matt Jones <jones at nceas.ucsb.edu> wrote:

> Aaron,
> When you do 'Save Archive', it creates a kar file on disk.  Does it
> also add it to the Library, and does it check that semantic types have
> been assigned as the old 'Save in Library...' function did?
> Matt
> On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 7:31 AM, Aaron  
> Schultz<aschultz at nceas.ucsb.edu> wrote:
>> It has been replaced by save archive
>> -Aaron
>> On Jul 10, 2009, at 8:05 AM, Shawn Bowers <sbowers at ucdavis.edu>  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> It looks like this is happening (possibly) because of changes to the
>>> StringParameter hierarchy, which now throw NPEs if no named object  
>>> and
>>> name is given to the constructor.  The semantic search functionality
>>> was written a while back (circa 2005), and not really used other  
>>> than
>>> a prototype/demonstration. It could use revamping.
>>> I think I might have fixed it though. However, I cannot easily test
>>> this since the "Save in Library" functionality was removed, which
>>> would allow modified actors to be saved in the library, and then
>>> easily searched.  Typically, I would add sem types to ports and then
>>> save them to the library. This would then allow me to search for
>>> actors using this dialog or using the "suggest compatible  
>>> components"
>>> dialog.
>>> I've CC'd Aaron Schultz (a Kepler developer at NCEAS) who might know
>>> why this was removed, and whether similar functionality was added (I
>>> can't find it if it was).  When I bring back the "Save in Library"
>>> (via uiContextMappings configs) I get exceptions for building KAR
>>> files ...
>>>     [run] Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0"
>>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>     [run]    at
>>> org.kepler.kar.gui.SaveInLibraryDialog.determineKarFile 
>>> (SaveInLibraryDialog.java:255)
>>>     [run]    at
>>> org.kepler.kar.gui.SaveInLibraryDialog._saveCommand 
>>> (SaveInLibraryDialog.java:371)
>>>     [run]    at
>>> org.kepler.kar.gui.SaveInLibraryDialog.access$100 
>>> (SaveInLibraryDialog.java:98)
>>>     [run]    at
>>> org.kepler.kar.gui.SaveInLibraryDialog$1.actionPerformed 
>>> (SaveInLibraryDialog.java:646)
>>>     [run]    at
>>> javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java: 
>>> 1882)
>>> Shawn
>>> On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Chris Weed<chrisweed at gmail.com>  
>>> wrote:
>>>> What about the Semantic Search functionality?
>>>> This looks similar to what I am interested in, but when I try to  
>>>> do a
>>>> search I get "No search criteria specified"
>>>> I really expect that this would return a result for the search I
>>>> specified.
>>>> Chris
>>>> On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Shawn Bowers<sbowers at ucdavis.edu>  
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>>> Most of the semantic annotation code is now a bit old (3-4 yrs),  
>>>>> and
>>>>> was a prototype. Prior to this version we actually had an approach
>>>>> based on a SPARQL implementation, however, it was decided that  
>>>>> Kepler
>>>>> should adopt an "object manager" approach, which stores actors and
>>>>> actor metadata (including semantic annotations of actors) using  
>>>>> MoML
>>>>> and within a relational (in-memory) db. So, SPARQL wouldn't work  
>>>>> for
>>>>> this, unless we went to an RDF approach for representing  
>>>>> annotations,
>>>>> metadata, etc. Another problem with SPARQL (I think this is what  
>>>>> you
>>>>> meant) at least from my experience is that it is more focussed on
>>>>> querying resources and their properties, and less useful for  
>>>>> querying
>>>>> over class definitions. The latter requires a reasoner (like  
>>>>> Pellet,
>>>>> Fact++, etc.). Finding actors based on their semantic types is all
>>>>> about matching class definitions, and not about searching for  
>>>>> class
>>>>> instances.
>>>>> Anyway, we are currently in the process of revamping the  
>>>>> annotation
>>>>> interfaces to make it easier and hopefully more obvious to folks  
>>>>> that
>>>>> actors (and their ports) can be tagged (e.g., a draft plan for  
>>>>> this is
>>>>> here:
>>>>> https://kepler-project.org/developers/incubation/GUI/kepler-tagging 
>>>>> ).
>>>>> So far, zero Kepler actors have their ports annotated. But perhaps
>>>>> with some UI changes more actors will be annotated, etc.  We are  
>>>>> also
>>>>> making changes so that basic types of ontology creation and  
>>>>> editing
>>>>> are exposed and available from within Kepler. Again, this might  
>>>>> make
>>>>> the annotation capabilities more usable.
>>>>> If you would like to help with any of this (designing and/or  
>>>>> implement
>>>>> ui's, designing apis, suggesting features, architecture,  
>>>>> technology's,
>>>>> etc.) that would be awesome!
>>>>> Shawn
>>>>> On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 10:18 AM, Chris Weed<chrisweed at gmail.com>  
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have a few questions about the semantic annotation  
>>>>>> functionality.
>>>>>> I noticed in the semantic search browser it displays the  
>>>>>> properties,
>>>>>> but I wasn't sure if it used that for doing searches.
>>>>>> Also, I was looking through the code for performing the  
>>>>>> semantic actor
>>>>>> suggestion,
>>>>>> and it looks like it uses a hand-coded matching algorithm  
>>>>>> instead of a
>>>>>> SQARQL
>>>>>> based inference engine. Would it make sense to update this
>>>>>> functionality
>>>>>> which would allow more sophisticated searches with properties.
>>>>>> Chris
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> -- 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Matthew B. Jones
> Director of Informatics Research and Development
> National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
> UC Santa Barbara
> jones at nceas.ucsb.edu                       Ph: 1-907-523-1960
> http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/ecoinfo
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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