[kepler-users] Newbie question
Derik Barseghian
barseghian at nceas.ucsb.edu
Tue Nov 4 16:35:46 PST 2008
Hi Guillaume,
My responses are inline below.
On Nov 2, 2008, at 8:57 PM, tog wrote:
> Hi Derik
> Thanks for your answer. I have a couple of other questions ;)
> 1- Ok this is working fine but is there a way to do this
> programmatically ?
You should be able to refer to the code that's called when the "Export
Archive (KAR)..." menu is clicked. Take a look in src/org/kepler/gui/
> I noticed a similar behaviour when trying to import a kar file. When
> you export a kar file everything is ok but when you want to import
> it back then you get this message: "There are no semantic types
> defined for the actor in this KAR file. ..."
I was able to get this message too when importing a java actor of mine
that's not yet in the kepler tree -- but only if I don't first right
click on the actor and use the Semantic Type Annotation menu to
annotate it before exporting it as a kar.
Kepler isn't sure where to place an actor in the tree if it's not
semantically annotated. Try annotating your actor and then exporting it.
> 2- I wrote a new actor class but when I use it in a workflow, define
> its parameters and then save this as a kar file, none of the
> parameters are saved in the xml file located in the zip archive.
> What was done wrongly ?
If you define the parameters of an actor, and then export it, these
should be saved in the moml within the kar file, and should show up
when you import the actor. I have just run some tests here, and it's
working for me for regular parameters.
However! We have found a bug in the export code where this is not
working properly for PortParameters. Are you using PortParameters in
your actor? I've checked in a bug about this issue that we will try to
> To give more details, I did the same experiment with the WebService
> component you have and this is working fine. The only difference I
> have is that I also defined a myCOmponentEditor class to have a
> specific GUI. Btw do you have an example in the source tree of such
> a specific graphical interface ?
I'm not clear on what you're asking here, can you be more specific? Is
it that you want to have a custom configuration box that pops up when
you click "Configure Actor"?
> Thanks and Best Regards
> Guillaume
Thanks for reporting your problems,
> On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 2:34 AM, Derik Barseghian <barseghian at nceas.ucsb.edu
> > wrote:
> Hi Guillaume,
> One way to do this is by right-clicking on your actor and selecting
> "Save In Library...". You will be prompted to give your actor a
> semantic annotation. After this your actor should display in the
> Component Tree.
> Let me know if this doesn't work for you,
> Derik
> On Oct 30, 2008, at 10:25 PM, tog wrote:
> Hello
> We have developped a GRIA actor for Kepler
> Currently, I am using Tools -> Instantiate Component to add such a
> component in my workflows.
> It would be easier for us to have it in the Component Tree of the
> user interface, how to achieve this ?
> Thanks and Best Regards
> Guillaume
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