[kepler-users] Call Web Services with WSWithComplexTypes Actor - Changing the URL endpoint before calls

Luís Assunção lass at isel.ipl.pt
Thu Dec 18 07:21:43 PST 2008



I am using Kepler mainly to implement workflows based on Web Services
implementing Geostatistics functionalities .

So the WSWithComplexTypes actor is important for me.

However,  I have a scenario where multiple machines have the same service
(same WSDL), but of course the endpoint to invoke operations is different.

My intention is calling the Web Service with load balancing  (each time it
fires the call is redirected to different machine).

My question is:  Is it possible change (configure) the WSWithComplexTypes
Actor for injects the WSDL string as a Input Port value?

or I need programming a new actor?


I appreciate some help or commentaries on this issue.


Luis Asuncao

Email:  <mailto:lass at isel.ipl.pt> lass at isel.ipl.pt


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