[kepler-users] reading ascii as array

Matthew Jones jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Tue Jul 31 09:42:02 PDT 2007

Hi Ufuk,

Attached is an example workflow that shows you some of the techniques to 
use to solve your issue.  It reads a 2 column csv file and outputs an 
array of arrays.  Hope it helps.


 > Hi,
 > I have two column ASCII file which has latitude and longitude of the
 > locations. I want to read it as an array but i couldn't find an actor.
 > File Reader actor does not read as array and File To Array Converter
 > actor expects an expression in each line. So, is there an actor which
 > reads the multi column ascii as two dimensional array. If not, how can i
 > implement this actor to kepler using java code. I mean that which steps
 > must be follow.
 > Bye
 > Ufuk

Matthew B. Jones
Director of Informatics Research and Development
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
UC Santa Barbara
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
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