[kepler-users] problem in output port data type

[BE] Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu turuncu at be.itu.edu.tr
Fri Aug 10 03:48:07 PDT 2007


In the previous postings to the list, i had a problem reading ASCII file 
in Kepler but after getting some idea from list it solved. Now i write a 
new actor that substract the specified column of the multi column ASCII 
file after reading it. The code is attached to mail as 
'ArrayColumn.java'. It gets two parameter; first one is number of column 
in ASCII file and second one is index of the first data (must be less 
than number of column !!!). So using theses values it ouputs the defined 
column of the array.

My problem is controlling data type of the output port. It gets the 
input from 'String Splitter' actor (it is used after reading ASCII file 
with \s regular expression) and results is the same data type with input 
(ArrayType(String)). So, i need to convert them into float or other 
numeric data types to calculate the maximum, minimum or average. How can 
i control the output port data type automatically? Is it neccecary to 
fix it inside of the code such as type casting? Any idea must be very 

Best regards,

Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu
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