[kepler-users] hi, when I build the kepler, there is some problem, can you help me, thanks!

Dan Higgins higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
Mon Oct 23 16:23:44 PDT 2006

    It looks like one problem occurs at the very beginning - namely the 
message "

Unable to locate tools.jar.

This is a message from 'ant' indicating that it is using the java jre  
rather than the jdk. It can't compile using the jre. I think one 
solution is the have a JAVA_HOME env variable pointing to the JDK. The 
other is to find the tools.jar file (in the lib dir of the jdk on my 
machine) and copy it the lib dir of ant.

It is not clear why this would result in the error message you see at 
the end about a ptolemy file not being found. Is that file in your PT 
directory? If not, you may need to checkout a new version of PT.

Dan Higgins - NCEAS

Kun Xiao wrote:
> Hi,
> I use cgywin to build it and my os is windows xp.
> My ptolemy check out file is the directory: C:/project/ptII
> My kepler check out file is the directory: KEPLER=C:/project/kepler
> what's the problem? Thanks!
> The following is the log:
> Administrator at kun /cygdrive/c/project/kepler
> $ set | grep PTII
> PTII=C:/project/ptII
> Administrator at kun /cygdrive/c/project/kepler
> $ set | grep KEPLER
> KEPLER=C:/project/kepler
> Administrator at kun /cygdrive/c/project/kepler
> $ ant full-clean ptolemy buildkarlib run-dev
> cygpath: can't convert empty path
> Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in C:\Program
> Files\Java\jre1.5.0_06\lib\tools.jar
> Buildfile: build.xml
> ptolemy-clean:
> config:
> init:
> clean:
>    [delete] Deleting directory C:\project\kepler\${env.PTII}\build
> preinit:
>      [echo] ant is using JDK version: 1.5
> checkOS:
> win.prep:
>      [echo] Guessing that you are running: Windows
> lin.prep:
> init:
> clean:
> clean-kar:
> full-clean:
> ptolemy:
> config:
> init:
> prepare:
>     [mkdir] Created dir: C:\project\kepler\${env.PTII}\build
>     [mkdir] Created dir: C:\project\kepler\${env.PTII}\build\src
>     [mkdir] Created dir: C:\project\kepler\${env.PTII}\build\classes
>     [mkdir] Created dir: C:\project\kepler\${env.PTII}\build\docs\codeDoc
>     [mkdir] Created dir: C:\project\kepler\${env.PTII}\build\tmp
>     [mkdir] Created dir: C:\project\kepler\${env.PTII}\build\doc\doc
>     [mkdir] Created dir:
> C:\project\kepler\${env.PTII}\build\classes\ptolemy\distributed\config
> C:\project\kepler\build.xml:745: The following error occurred while
> executing this line:
> C:\project\kepler\build-ptolemy.xml:106:
> C:\project\kepler\${env.PTII}\ptolemy\distributed\config not found.
> Total time: 1 second
> Thanks!
> ----------------
> Best Regards,
> Kun Xiao

Dan Higgins                                  higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/    Ph: 805-893-5127
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) Marine Science Building - Room 3405
Santa Barbara, CA 93195

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