[kepler-users] Issue with the Kepler Semantic Type Editor

Alexander Chenet chenet at flex-it.at
Wed Jan 4 09:19:41 PST 2006

Hello Kepler and Ptolemy users,

I have some issues regarding the Semantic Type Editor which is part of the Kepler software. In case you have never used the Semantic Type Editor: you can open it by right clicking on any actor in the Graph Editor window and selecting "Edit Semantic Type". 
Well, here's my problems:

1) Adding a new ontology to the Semantic Type Editor:

The list of ontologies is stored under KEPLER_INSTALL_DIR/configs/ptolemy/configs/kepler/ontologies/
I updated the index.html in that directory and put my OWL-file in the directory. After restaring Kepler, when opening the Semantic Type Editor again I get the following error:

"Configuration Error! Cannot locate ontology: path_to_my_owl_file!" 

I found out that a Java exception is thrown in the constructor of org.kepler.sms.NamedOntModel but I could not find out what the problem really is. Does anybody have an idea where the error could come from? The OWL-file itself certainly is valid!

2) I could not find any documentation on how to use the Semantic Type Editor - except for the presentation "SSDBM2005Poster" which is part of the kepler alpha distribution. Do you know of any other docs?

Any help would be appreciated!
Best regards,

Alexander Chenet.

flexIT - trainIT
Mag. Alexander Chenet
Neumayrgasse 1/23, 1160 Wien
+43 (0)699 12790769
www.flex-it.at (not yet online)
www.train-it.co.at (not yet online)
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