[kepler-users] TM execution domain

Maurice Yarrow myarrow at nortel.com
Thu Feb 9 23:20:46 PST 2006

Hello Kepler Users

I have tried to use the TM director for the parent of a fairly
complicated bunch of DE composites in my workflow.  Note that my
DE-based model as such does work but since there is no multithreading
capability in it this poses some limitations on its behavior.    So I
was hoping that the TM director could be used as the parent (i.e.,
highest level) director.  Unfortunately, when I try this, the TM
director stack-dumps after about 20 or 30 seconds.  

I know (documentation says so) that the TM director is "experimental",
and not considered mature, but is there any take at this time as to
whether this TM director can be fixed ?

I don't believe that for what we are doing, that the Process Network
director can be used, because the new NonDeterministic Merge is just
that: I came up with a test case for it where subsequent actions were
merged out of order to the time they were originated.

Maurice Yarrow
Nortel Networks Research Labs
Santa Clara

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